Page 165 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Symposium Organizers


19TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON                                  CIE-8: Computer-Aided Product and Process Development (CAPPD
ADVANCED VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES (AVT)                               General)
                                                                  John Steuben, Caterina Rizzi, Gaurav Ameta, Rahul Rai and Chi Zhou
AVT-1: Advances in Ground Vehicles Dynamics and Controls
Vladimir V Vantsevich and Schalk Els                              CIE-9: CAPPD: Emotional Engineering
                                                                  John Steuben, Shuichi Fukuda and Chi Zhou
AVT-2: Advances in Methods for Tire Design and Mechanics
Moustafa El-Gindy and Lin Li                                      CIE-10: CAPPD: Human Modeling-Methods and Applications in
AVT-3: Advances in Methods for Ground Vehicle Systems Design      John Steuben, James Yang, Giorgio Colombo, Caterina Rizzi, Yujiang
Massimiliano Gobbi and Guangqiang Wu                              Xiang and Chi Zhou

AVT-4: Advances in Ground Vehicle Safety and Ergonomics           CIE11: CAPPD: Multimodal INTerfaces for Engineering Design (MINTED)
Costin Untaroiu, Alan Mayton and James Yang                       John Steuben, Rahul Rai and Chi Zhou

AVT-5: Advances in Vehicle Electrification and Powertrain Design  CIE-12: Systems Engineering Information Knowledge Management
Joel Anstrom and Guang Dong                                       (SEIKM General)
                                                                  Christopher Hoyle, Ashis Banerjee and David C. Jensen
AVT-6: Advances in Light Vehicles Design
Alberto Doria, Luis Munoz and Lirong Wang                         CIE-14: SEIKM: Design Informatics
                                                                  Bryony DuPont, Christopher Hoyle, Ying Liu and Ashis Banerjee
AVT-7: Advances in Military and Commercial Ground Vehicle Design
Xiaobo Yang, Brendan Chan and Bin Li                              CIE-15: SEIKM: Systems Engineering
                                                                  Douglas Van Bossuyt, Douglas Allaire, Bryan O'Halloran and Ashis
AVT-8: Advances in Autonomous and Connected Vehicles              Banerjee
Liangyao Yu and Beshah Ayalew
                                                                  CIE-16: SEIKM: Knowledge Capture, Reuse, and Management
AVT-9: William Milliken Lecture Award                             Ian Grosse, David C. Jensen and Ashis Banerjee
Not Available at Press Time
                                                                  CIE-17: SEIKM: Smart Manufacturing Informatics
37TH COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION IN                                 Ashis Banerjee and Farhad Ameri
                                                                  CIE-18: SEIKM: Risk-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems
CIE-1: Advanced Modeling and Simulation (AMS General)             Douglas Van Bossuyt, Bryan O'Halloran, Nikolaos Papakonstantinou
Seung Ki Moon, Krishna Kaipa and Ravi Burla                       and Ashis Banerjee

CIE-2: AMS: Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering           CIE-19: SEIKM: Human Factors and Cognitive Systems
Brian Dennis                                                      Linda Boyle and Ashis Banerjee

CIE-3: AMS: Computational Multiphysics Applications               CIE-20: SEIKM Panel
John Michopoulos                                                  Ashis Banerjee

CIE-4: AMS: Uncertainty Quantification in Simulation and Model    CIE-21: Virtual Environments and Systems (VES General)
Verification & Validation                                         Robert E. Wendrich, Pramita Mitra and Theo Lim
Yan Wang, Zhimin Xi and Chao Hu
                                                                  CIE-22: VES: Methods, Processes and Strategies (MPS)
CIE-5: AMS: Simulation in Advanced Manufacturing                  Robert E. Wendrich, Theo Lim and Pramita Mitra
Mahesh Mani, Gaurav Ameta, Bjorn Johansson and Kevin Lyons
                                                                  CIE-23: VES: Game Ecosystems in Design and Engineering (GEcoDE)
CIE-6: AMS/SEIKM/CAPPD: Design, Simulation and Optimization for   Not Available at Press Time
Additive Manufacturing
Paul Witherell, Ashis Banerjee, Krishnan Suresh, Seung Ki Moon,   CIE-24: VES PANEL Title: Advancement in Digital Technology Systems,
Namhun Kim and Chi Zhou                                           Usage of Virtual Reality and Tools for Engineering
                                                                  Robert E. Wendrich, Pramita Mitra, Theo Lim, Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge
CIE-7: AMS Panel                                                  and Samir Garbaya
Seung Ki Moon
                                                                  CIE-26: Graduate Student Poster Session
                                                                  Yayue Pan and John Steuben

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