Page 169 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Symposium Organizers


13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON                                      MSNDC-17: Lyapunov Award Lecture and Autonomous and Connected
MULTIBODY SYSTEMS, NONLINEAR                                          Vehicles Keynotes
DYNAMICS, AND CONTROL (MSNDC)                                         Dan Negrut and Radu Serban

MSNDC-1: Fluid-Structure Interaction                                  MSNDC-18: Best Paper Award Competition
Phanindra Tallapragada, Johannes Gerstmayr, Pierangelo Masarati and   Stefano Lenci and Hiroyuki Sugiyama
Marco Morandini
                                                                      MSNDC-19: Student Paper Competition
MSNDC-2: Nonlinear Energy Transfers and Harvesting (MSNDC/ VIB 13-3)  James R Chagdes and Mohammad Poursina
Mohammad Amin Karami, Amin Bibo and Brian P. Mann
                                                                      2017 ASME INTERNATIONAL POWER
MSNDC-3: Flexible Multibody Dynamics                                  TRANSMISSION AND GEARING
Jose Escalona, Aki M. Mikkola and Grzegorz Orzechowski                CONFERENCE (PTG)

MSNDC-4: Contact and Interface Dynamics (MSNDC/ VIB 13-6)             PTG-1: Gear Geometry
Marek Wojtyra, Paulo Flores and Arman Pazouki                         Mohsen Kolivand and Alfonso Fuentes-Aznar

MSNDC-5: Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures (MSNDC/VIB 13-4)            PTG-2: Gear Analysis, Materials, Fatigue
Marco Amabili, Mathias Legrand, Enrico Babilio and Laura Ruzziconi    Hai Xu, Sheng Li and Jeremy Wagner

MSNDC-6: Time-Varying and Time-Delay Systems                          PTG-3: Gear Dynamics and Noise
Albert Luo and Jose Machado                                           Hai Xu, Murat Inalpolat and Brian Wilson

MSNDC-7: Nonlinear Rotordynamics and Rotating Systems (MSNDC/ VIB     PTG-4: Gearbox Design, Reliability, and Diagnostics
13-8)                                                                 Brian Dykas, Robert Handschuh and Steve Siegert
Olivier Bauchau and Pierangelo Masarati
                                                                      PTG-5: Gear Manufacturing
MSNDC-8: Optimization, Sensitivity Analysis, and Uncertainty          Avinash Singh and Carlos Wink
Quantification in Dynamic Systems
Radu Serban and Yan Wang                                              PTG-6: Lubrication and Efficiency
                                                                      Robert Handschuh, David Talbot, Timothy Krantz and Jeremy Wagner
MSNDC-9: Applications in Biomechanics (MSNDC/VIB-14)
James Yang, James R Chagdes and Yujiang Xiang                         PTG-7: Bearings, Clutches, Couplings, and Splines
                                                                      Jon Williams, David Talbot and Richard Dippery, Jr
MSNDC-10: Modeling, Simulation, and Validation of Vehicle Dynamics
(MSNDC/ VIB 13-10)                                                    PTG-8: Transmission Systems Including Novel Concepts
Hiroyuki Sugiyama, Werner Schiehlen and Paramsothy Jayakumar          Jon Williams, Steve Siegert and Timothy Krantz

MSNDC11: Controls and Mechatronics                                    PTG-9: Keynote Lecture
Elzbieta Jarzebowska, Jerzy Graffstein and Andrzej Urbas               Teik Lim and Qi Fan

MSNDC-12: Multi-physics in Multibody Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics   PTG-10: Industrial Applications
Dan Negrut, Abhi Jain and Ole Balling                                 Carlos Wink and Avinash Singh

MSNDC-13: Computational Methods in Multibody Systems and Nonlinear    29TH CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL
Dynamics                                                              VIBRATION AND NOISE (VIB)
Javier Cuadrado, Werner Schiehlen and Olivier Bauchau
                                                                      VIB-1: TCVS Keynote and Award Lectures
MSNDC-14: Analytical and Perturbation Methods (VIB-17)                Dumitru Caruntu
Eihab Abdel-Rahman, Mohammad AL-Shudeifat and Kiran D'Souza
                                                                      VIB-2: Structures and Continuous Systems
MSNDC-15: Software Tools for Computational Dynamics                   Dumitru Caruntu, Weidong Zhu and Marco Amabili
Alexander Humer, Karin Nachbagauer and Ramin Masoudi
                                                                      VIB-3: Vibration Control, Energy Harvesting, and Smart Structures (VIB/
MSNDC-16: Dynamics & Control of Robotic Systems (MSNDC/ MR-6)         MSNDC 10-2)
Hao WANG and Philip Voglewede                                         Ryan L. Harne, Lei Zuo and Alper Erturk

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