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Symposium Organizers


CIE-27: Industry Presentation: Computer and Information Technology            DAC-9: Engineering for Global Development
Trends (Industry Proposals)                                                   Nordica MacCarty, Amy Bilton, Kenneth Mark Bryden, Nathan Johnson
Marc Halpern and Pramita Mitra                                                and Christopher A. Mattson

CIE-28: CIE Panel: From a Researcher/Technology Developer to an               DAC-10: Design of Complex Systems
Advanced Technology Visionary/Facilitator - A Perspective                     Beshoy Morkos, Babak Heydari, Rahul Renu and Paul T. Grogan
Catherine Florio and Nien-hua Chao
                                                                              DAC-11: Design of Engineering Materials and Structures
CIE-29: DAC/CIE Joint Session: Design for Resilience and Failure              Carolyn Seepersad, Shikui Chen, Wei Chen, Seung-Kyum Choi, Guang
Recovery                                                                      Dong, James Guest, Matthew Lynch, Andres Tovar, Hongyi Xu and
Pingfeng Wang, Yan Wang, Byeng D. Youn, Po Ting Lin, Chao Hu and              Julian Norato
Zhimin Xi
                                                                              DAC-12: Geometric Modeling and Algorithms for Design and
CIE-30: AMS: Material Characterization Methods and Applications               Manufacturing
John Michopoulos and Athanasios Iliopoulos                                    Saigopal Necaturi, Shikui Chen and Horea Ilies

CIE-31: Knowledge Engineering and Management for Smart                        DAC-13: Human-Centered Design
Manufacturing                                                                 Matthew Parkinson and Charlotte de Vries
Thomas Hedberg, Allison Bernard Feeney and Shaw Feng
                                                                              DAC-14: Metamodel-Based Design Optimization (MBDO)
CIE-32: CAPPD Panel                                                           Cameron Turner and Ali Mehmani
John Steuben
                                                                              DAC-15: Multi-Objective Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis
CIE-33: Title                                                                 Mian Li and Daniel Selva
Mahesh Mani
                                                                              DAC-16: Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
CIE-34: CIE Keynote Presentation                                              Po Ting Lin, John Hall and Hongyi Xu
Not Available at Press Time
                                                                              DAC-17: Platform Architecture and Product Family Design
43RD DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE                                             Timothy W. Simpson, Scott Ferguson, Christopher Hoyle, Ritesh Khire
(DAC)                                                                         and Seung Ki Moon

DAC-1: Artificial Intelligence and Computational Synthesis                    DAC-18: Product-Service System Design
Matthew Campbell and Ritesh Khire                                             Seung Ki Moon

DAC-2: Active System Design                                                   DAC-19: Simulation-Based Design Under Uncertainty
Krishna Vijayaraghavan, Christopher Vermillion, and James Allison             Zissimos Mourelatos, Xiaoping Du, Zhen Hu, Ikjin Lee, Mian Li,
                                                                              Po Ting Lin and Zhimin Xi

DAC-3: Data-Driven Design                                                     DAC-20: Keynote Lecture
Conrad Tucker, Souma Chowdhury, Ritesh Khire, Kemper Lewis, Andrew            Kemper Lewis and Scott Ferguson
Olewnik, Jie Zhang and Alex Burnap
                                                                              14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
DAC-4: Decision Making in Engineering Design                                  DESIGN EDUCATION (DEC)
Kemper Lewis, Jesse Austin-Breneman and Jitesh Panchal

          DAC-5: Design and Optimization of Sustainable Energy Systems        DEC-1: Design Education in the Undergraduate Curriculum
          Erin MacDonald, Amy Bilton, Souma Chowdhury, Bryony DuPont,         Janet Allen
          Nathan Johnson and Jie Zhang
                                                                              DEC-2: Research Methods in Design Education
          DAC-6: Design for Additive Manufacturing                            Zahed Siddique
          Carolyn Seepersad, Georges Fadel, Wentao Fu, James Guest, Kristina
          Shea, Timothy W. Simpson and Christopher Williams                   DEC-3: Evaluations and Assessment in Design Education
                                                                              Zhenghui Sha
          DAC-7: Design for Market Systems
          Scott Ferguson, Kenneth Mark Bryden and Kate S. Whitefoot           DEC-4: Fabrication and Making Things in Design Education
                                                                              Daniela Faas
          DAC-8: Design for Resilience and Failure Recovery
166 Pingfeng Wang, Chao Hu, Po Ting Lin, Yan Wang and Zhimin Xi               DEC-5: Keynote
                                                                              Not Available at Press Time
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