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Elevator Maintenance
        Evaluation                                            Free ASME Training & Development
                                                              Autumn 2016 eCalendar Now Available
                                                              Download the FREE Autumn 2016 ASME Training
        This course addresses both maintenance activities that are normally   & Development eCalendar listing dates and locations
        contracted to an elevator maintenance provider and other activities
        that are normally performed by the owner/manager. Participants will   of Live Course offerings in North America and Europe
        learn about the Safety Code-required maintenance records including   through December 2016, as well as eLearning
        Maintenance Control Programs and how to inspect for and identify   Courses available worldwide from the Internet
        common maintenance deficiencies.
                                                              any time.
        Course material includes sample Maintenance Control Programs for
        electric and hydraulic elevators, as well as escalators and moving walks,   Visit:
        which identify all Safety Code-required maintenance activities. The
        material includes blank forms for performance evaluations, emergency
        operation monthly checks and escalator/ moving walk start-up.  or scan with a smart device:
        Safety is stressed throughout the course, with emphasis on identification
        and use of elevator safety features that are available for maintenance
        and inspection personnel. Participants are given exercises and testing
        after each subject to help assess their understanding of the materials to
        ensure proper subject comprehension.
        Each participant will receive class notes with recommended maintenance
        practices, copies of the latest edition of Elevator Industry Field
        Employees’ Safety Handbook, the Elevator Maintenance Manual,
        2nd Edition as well as the Elevator Field Maintenance Handbook.
        You Will Learn To
        •  Explain how to inspect for and identify common maintenance
        •  Conduct performance measurements, including criteria for both                                          ELEVATORS AND ESCALATORS Public Courses
         electric and hydraulic elevators
        •  Complete the daily check and startup of escalators and moving walks
        •  Identify and evaluate Safety Code-required maintenance records,
         including a Maintenance Control Program
        •  Identify what to look for in elevator maintenance contracts, including
         typical contract clauses
        •  Describe the safety requirements and procedures for servicing and
         inspecting elevators
        •  Explain how to conduct monthly fire emergency operation checks
        •  Explain how to use and select instruments properly, such as
         tachometer, light meters, millimeters, pressure gauges, force gauges
         and accelerometers
        •  Describe the security of access to elevator equipment, including key
        Who Should Attend                                     Special Offer to Non-ASME
        Personnel who evaluate or administer maintenance programs, elevator
        mechanics, managers and supervisors of elevator maintenance,   Members
        architects and elevator engineers, as well as building owners/ managers
        and other individuals who administer elevator maintenance contracts  Attendees of any ASME Training & Development
        Special Requirements                                  public course registered as non-ASME members
        This course is structured on the assumption that participants have a   will receive a FREE one-year membership to
        basic knowledge of elevator systems. Anyone with little or no knowledge   ASME – currently valued at up to $151 –  following
        of elevators should attend course PD100, “Introduction to Elevators
        and Escalators,” as a prerequisite to this training. (If this is not possible,   completion of an application form which will be sent
        participants should purchase and review Elevators 101 prior to attending.)   to non-members after the program.

        Instructor Robert Krieger                             All ASME members will continue to enjoy special
        2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                             “Member Only” discounts off the list price on most
        Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550
                                                              ASME Training & Development public courses and
                                                              eLearning  programs.

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