Page 27 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
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Introduction to Geometric Dimensioning and Drawing Interpretation TOP SELLER
Tolerancing (GD&T)-Y14.5 TOP SELLER
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL504
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL505
If it is a necessary element of understanding basic mechanical two
This course covers most of the geometric dimensioning controls dimensional engineering drawings, then it is covered in this online course.
used on mechanical engineering drawings. Theoretical and practical Topics include basic drawing elements, such as formats, title block, parts
concepts of each of the geometric controls are explained relative to list, and revision block; part views, including multi-view, auxiliary, and
design, tooling, production and inspection. Parts of a directional-change isometric; section views; general dimensions; tolerances; and finish and
gear box are used as platforms for the geometric controls, including welding symbols.
shafts, gears, bearings, keys, lip seals, castings and threaded fasteners. Course materials include a packet with five detail drawings, an assembly
drawing for the parts of a trolley wheel, flat and round parts, and a
You Will Learn To casting. Knowledge of the ASME Y14.5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing
• Identify symbols and feature control frame standard is recommended.
• Explain the terms, rules and measurement devices
• Describe the characteristics of straightness, flatness, circularity and You Will Learn To
cylindricity • Describe the fundamentals of drawing interpretation
• Explain how to work with datums, parallelism, perpendicularity and • Identify drawing elements, including part views and sections
angularity • Describe general dimensions and tolerances
• Explain runout, profile and position tolerance • Explain how to represent surface texture, fasteners and welding
Special Requirements 22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
You must have a copy of the ASME Y14.5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing Member $595 / List Price $695
22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs Developing Products
Member $595 / List Price $695 DESIGN AND MATERIALS eLearning
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL530
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics This course provides skills and techniques to manage the product
planning, design and manufacturing processes. It covers the project
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL513 life cycle, determining resource requirements, detailed planning and
management of the design process.
This course has six modules and provides detailed explanation of how
to set up, run and interpret the results of CFD models for eight different You Will Learn To
case studies and covers all the necessary theoretical background for • Explain how product development, projects and company strategy
industrial applications of computational fluid dynamics. It is estimated are interdependent
that in total, the course will require approximately 24 hours of work on • Describe a process to plan and execute projects
the part of the student, over the duration of the six-week course.
• Coach others in methods of product development
You Will Learn To • Describe how to obtain better results through thorough planning
• Set up the most appropriate CFD model (in terms of boundary and management
conditions, material properties, solution control parameters, solution • Communicate key objectives and expectations more effectively
monitor, etc.) for the problem in hand • Explain how to solve strategic issues through tactical implementation
• Set up the most appropriate turbulence model for their particular • Direct the engineering development process more effectively
• Explain how to conduct both Steady state and Transient (time 22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
dependent) fluid flow simulations Member $595 / List Price: $695
• Explain how to solve for both isothermal and non-isothermal thermo-
fluid applications, by including all the necessary modes of heat
transfer (i.e., conduction, convection and radiation) in their CFD model
• Explain how to solve for both Incompressible and Compressible fluid
flow applications
• Explain how to solve for fluid flow through porous media and through
rotating machinery
• Describe how and extract the required results and plots from the
wealth of information available at the solution stage
22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $595 / List price $695
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