Page 26 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 26

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion                eLEARNING
        (MIC) in Engineering Terms  NEW!

                                                              Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
        Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) concerns the influence   TOP SELLER
        of micro-organisms in the corrosion of metals.  This three-day course   Online Instructor-Supported Course EL507
        explores how different systems become vulnerable to MIC, as well the
        facts and “myths” in the recognition and treatment of MIC.  Originally developed for aerospace structural analysis, finite element
                                                              analysis (FEA) is now a convenient and speedy tool for approximation
        The course begins with a review of electrochemical corrosion, continues   of the solution to a wide variety of complicated engineering problems
        with a definition and characterization of MIC, and an assessment   across a wide range of industries. This online course explains how FEA
        of past and existing MIC theories.  Participants discuss laboratory   can produce accurate, reliable approximate solutions, at a small fraction
        and field methods employed to recognize MIC and their respective   of the cost of more rigorous, closed-form analyses. It is estimated that
     DESIGN AND MATERIALS Public Courses and eLearning
        treatment methods (physical-mechanical, chemical, electrical, magnetic   the course will require approximately 24 hours of work on the part of the
        and microbiological) for MIC.  In addition, the course examines the   participant, over the duration of the six-week course.
        shortcomings of some techniques, such as smart pigging or cathodic   You Will Learn To
        protection, in the determination and mitigation of MIC.
                                                              •  Provide examples to conduct a successful finite element analysis
        The course concludes with a review of industry myths about recognition,   •   Explain the concepts used to make accurate approximations
        prevention, and mitigation of MIC.  Students participate in five in-class   •  Use finite element software
        exercises, which allow them to share their experience, while acquiring
        more practical skills and knowledge about MIC.        22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                              Member $595 / List Price $695
        You Will Learn To
        •   Explain the importance of routine recognition and treatment methods  Advanced Finite Element Analysis   TOP SELLER
        •   Describe mitigation methods for microbial corrosion  Online Instructor-Supported Course EL508
        •  Estimate the required resources necessary to control MIC effectively
        •   Discern MIC from other types of corrosion manifestations  Based on practical application of Abaqus software, this course builds
        •   Describe the methods for materials selection and biocide control  on the introductory level course to provide a fuller appreciation of how
                                                              Abaqus works as well as finite element analysis in general. Presented
        •  Explain MIC misconceptions and differentiate “myths” from “realities”    in six modules, the course emphasizes the various aspects of structural
        •   Describe practices for the prevention and mitigation of MIC
                                                              analysis. The topics covered can also be abstracted to provide a useful
                                                              guide for use of FEA for non-structural applications.
        Who Should Attend
        This course is for engineers involved in corrosion, asset integrity,   You Will Learn To
        maintenance, or material selection. It is also valuable for pipeline   • Identify command-line input for Abaqus
        engineers, plant engineers, technical inspectors, principal and senior   •   Describe structural dynamics, modal and harmonic response analyses
        asset managers, and plant engineers.
                                                              •  Identify Structural Dynamics II, featuring transient dynamic analysis
        Instructor                                            •  Explain nonlinear structural analyses
        3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                             • Demonstrate design optimization in Abaqus
        Member $1,895 / List Price $1,995
                                                              Knowledge of basic FEA principles and a familiarity with ANSYS
                                                              22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                              Member $595 / List Price $695

                                                              Advanced Geometric Dimensioning
                                                              and Tolerancing (GD&T) Y14.5  TOP SELLER
                                                              Online Instructor-Supported Course EL506
                                                              This course explains the basic applications of position, including fixed
                                                              and floating fastener, zero tolerance, size feature datums and composite
                                                              vs. two single segments. How to control the size and location of nonsize
                                                              features are also explained, as are coaxial relationships and control of
                                                              rectangular features.
                                                              You Will Learn To
                                                              •  Develop an in-depth understanding of GD&T
                                                              •  Explain basic applications of position and size concepts
                                                              •  Identify practical tools that you can apply on the job
                                                              22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                              Member $595 / List Price $695

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