Page 22 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 22

Design, Analysis and Fabrication of
        Turbo Machinery Dynamics:                             Composite Structure, Energy and
        Design and Operation                                  Machine Applications

        PD432                                                 PD567

        This course presents a detailed and comprehensive treatment of    This course provides an in-depth presentation of design, analysis and
        operation and maintenance of turbo-machinery.         manufacturing methods for composites, with an emphasis on polymer
                                                              matrix composites, which are the most widely used.
        Starting with the fundamentals of thermodynamics and cycle design,
        the latest trends in development and production of many different   Industrial applications are now the largest user of composites, outstripping
        types of turbo-machines are covered. In-depth methods to analyze and   aerospace and sports equipment. There are a vast and an increasing
        explore new operation and maintenance procedures, minimize exhaust   number of applications, including wind turbines, energy storage flywheels, oil
        emissions and maximize structural integrity and operating efficiency    and natural gas exploration and production, natural gas and hydrogen
        are presented.                                        vehicle storage tanks, fuel cells, high-speed and precision machinery,
                                                              robots, coordinate measuring machines, optomechanical systems,
        The ever-increasing quest for electrical and mechanical power, coupled
        with stricter restrictions on environmental pollutants, require exacting   semiconductor manufacturing equipment, automobile and truck engines,
        consideration of natural resources. Creative technological solutions   bodies, brakes and clutches, energy storage flywheels, gas turbine
     DESIGN AND MATERIALS Public Courses
        are needed to optimize operation and achieve, oftentimes, conflicting   engines, process industries equipment, heat exchangers, data storage
        goals. This course teaches methods, which explain the wide range of   equipment, X-ray and other medical diagnostic equipment, prosthetics
        parameters, as well as how to take advantage of the latest technical   and orthotics, as well as electronic and optoelectronic packaging.
        advances. Emphasis is placed on controlling operating parameters,   In addition to outstanding strengths and stiffnesses and low densities,
        interpreting and comparing alternatives and obtaining realistic solutions.  composites offer unique and tailorable physical properties, including
                                                              thermal conductivities that range from very low to many times that of
        Specially prepared notes and the instructor’s textbook Turbo-Machinery
        Dynamics: Design and Operation will be provided to all participants   copper and thermal expansions that can be varied from high to near
        on a computer disk, as well as a bound copy of the course notes. The   zero. Electrically conducting and insulating materials are available.
                                                              Composites and other advanced materials, some with ultra-high thermal
        electronic notes and textbook are linked for instant access and in-depth
        study from the notes directly to the specific page of the book through   conductivities, are now used in thermal management applications,
        electronic bookmarks. Attendees will also receive computer codes with   such as motor cover/heat sinks, servers, notebook computers, power
        instructions for simulating and analyzing rotating machinery problems,   modules, plasma displays, printed circuit boards, heat sinks, laser diode,
        parameter measurement and balancing of rotors.        LED and photovoltaic packaging.
                                                              Composites include a wide range of polymeric, metallic, ceramic and
        You Will Learn To                                     carbon materials having both high and low-temperature capabilities.

        •  Describe fuel consumption, power output and exhaust gas emissions   You Will Learn To
        •  Explain structural integrity and component life evaluation
        •  Identify operating loads, component deflections, rotor-to-stator rub   •   Understand the advantages, disadvantages and properties of the four
        •  Explain the process of manufacturing and assembly methods, balancing   classes of composites: polymer matrix-, metal matrix-, ceramic matrix-
         of rotors                                             and carbon matrix-
        •  Explain the test verification of design parameters and fault diagnosis   •  Explain key reinforcements and matrix materials
        •  Identify failures arising from cyclical loads and thermal distortion   •   Understand evolutionary advances in thermal management and heat
        •  Identify material requirements and selection        transfer materials
                                                              •   Understand industrial, commercial and aerospace/defense applications
        Who Should Attend                                     • Design cost-effective, reliable products while avoiding common pitfalls
        Design and development engineers, plant engineers, field service   •   Understand analysis and manufacturing methods, along with
        engineers and technical managers with product and/or project   applications, nondestructive evaluation, lessons learned and future
        responsibility                                         trends, including nanocomposites
        Special Requirements                                  Who Should Attend
        Individuals familiar with calculus and personal computers – along with a   Design engineers, analysts, materials engineers and scientists,
        Bachelor’s degree or equivalent work experience—will have sufficient   manufacturing engineers, quality assurance engineers, engineering
        background for this course. It is recommended that participants bring a   managers, R&D engineers and scientists as well as product development
        laptop to the course.                                 engineers in the power generation and storage, automotive, aerospace/
                                                              defense, process industries, heat transfer, high-speed machinery,
        Instructor Abdulla S. Rangwala                        precision machinery, optomechanical systems, sports equipment,
        5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs                             biomedical engineering, medical equipment, including X-ray,
        Member $2,775 / List Price $2,895                     computer-aided tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, electronic,
                                                              laser diode LED and photovoltaic packaging industries

                                                              Instructor Carl Zweben
                                                              2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
                                                              Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550

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