Page 19 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 19
Bolted Joints and Design of
Gasket Behavior Bolted Flange Joints
PD539 PD386
Although bolted joints comprise a large percentage of all industrial Providing a fundamental understanding of the design and behavior of
fasteners, their role in the installation and assembly process is poorly bolted flange joints – essential components for pressure containment –
understood. This course provides an overview of bolted joint this course covers the latest findings from the Pressure Vessel Research
fundamentals, whether gasketed or not, including behavior and Council on gasketed flange joints. It also outlines new design rules being
troubleshooting. The course also takes a detailed look at the latest developed for the ASME codes.
developments in gasketed joint assembly, torque factors, bolting patterns,
as well as gasket behavior, tightness, selection and specification. Participants will receive the textbook, Gaskets and Gasketed Joints, by
John H. Bickford.
Each participant will receive a copy of the book, An Introduction to the
Design and Behavior of Bolted Joints, 3rd Edition, by John Bickford. You Will Learn To
• Explain ASME requirements and methodology for flange design
You Will Learn To • Design and analyze flange joints for pressure and external
• Calculate the strength and stiffness of bolted joints and establish the loads in accordance with the latest ASME Codes and Standards
tightness of gasketed flanged joints and their suitability for elevated • Identification of parameters that can affect flange leakage
temperature service • Fundamentals of flange and gasket behavior
• Explain how to recognize bolt failure modes as well as mitigate failure
mechanisms and increase the functional life of a joint Who Should Attend
• Explain the fundamentals of the PCC-1 Joint Assembly guidelines Engineers involved in the design, construction or maintenance of
including the latest bolting patterns and lubricant properties to pressurized equipment utilizing flanged joints for the petroleum, refining,
recommend the appropriate nut factor for applied torque chemical, power and process industries
• Explain how to estimate and evaluate the tightness of gasketed joints
based on leakage gasket constants and understand proposed new Instructor William Koves
tightness design rules 1 Day, 0.8 CEUs, 8 PDHs
• Explain how to assemble circular gasketed joints three times faster Member $795 / List Price $895
than traditional methods
• Describe how to select appropriate bolt and gasket materials Save up to $1,275 by enrolling in PD601, a triple combination course BOLTING Public Courses
consisting of this course (PD386), PD539 “Bolted Joints and Gasket
Who Should Attend Behavior” and PD577 “Bolted Joint Assembly Principles Per PCC-1 - 2013.”
Practicing design and manufacturing professionals involved in assem-
bly of electro-mechanical hardware components and engineers and
technicians in design and assembly operations. Two years’ engineering
experience would be beneficial, but is not necessary.
This course is an excellent prerequisite to PD386, “Design of Bolted
Flange Joints.”
Instructor Randy Wacker
2 Day, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550
Save up to $1,275 by enrolling in PD601, a triple combination course
consisting of this course (PD539), PD577 “Bolted Joint Assembly
Principles Per PCC-1 - 2013” and PD386 “Design of Bolted Flange Joints.”
Also available as Online Instructor-Supported course EL512 “The
Bolted Joint”
Take This Combo Course and Save Up to $1,275!
Bolting Combo Course
This course is a combination of “Bolted Joints and Gasket Behavior” (PD539), “Design of Bolted Flange Joints” (PD386) and “Bolted Joint
Assembly Principles Per PCC-1-2013” (PD577). Take these courses as a combo and SAVE UP TO $1,275.
Two years of engineering experience would be beneficial, but is not necessary.
Instructors David Lay, William Koves 5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs Member $2,775 / List Price $2,895
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