Page 15 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 15

Creating and Implementing Effective
        Run-or-Repair Operability                             Inspection Plans for Pressure
        Decisions for Pressure Equipment                      Equipment and High Energy Piping
        and Piping Systems                                    Systems using ASME PCC-3  NEW!

         MC132  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE       MC137  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE
                                                              This one-day MasterClass provides an overview of the methodology
         This two-day MasterClass provides an in-depth review of the rules   and philosophy of ASME PCC-3, Inspection Planning Using Risk-Based
         and application of the ASME, NBIC and API codes and standards in
         making run-or-repair operability decisions for pressure equipment   Methods, and includes guidance on the development of an effective
                                                              and technically rigorous inspection plan for boilers, pressure vessels,
         (tanks, vessels) and piping and tubing systems. The class is based
         on a series of Case Studies of abnormal and damaged conditions,   heat exchangers, piping and piping components, pipelines, and
                                                              storage vessels.
         how to diagnose their cause, how to determine the integrity of the
         system or component, how to decide whether to keep the system   Examples of practical applications for the steps involved in creating
         or component in service, and how to repair and prevent recurrence.   a risk-based inspection plan are discussed to demonstrate the
         In making these assessments, we will discuss what guidance is   philosophy of the guideline. Detailed scenarios are used to illustrate
         available in ASME B&PV, ASME B31, ASME Post-Construction Codes,   how the various stages of an analysis are applied, and their respective
         API 579, NBIC, and regulations; as well as what is not addressed in   limitations.  An overview of determining the probability of failure and
         codes, standards and regulations, and is therefore at the discretion   consequence of failure and the selection of level of risk analysis are
         of the engineer.                                     included in the discussion.
         You Will Learn To                                    You Will Learn To
         •    Distinguish which parts of run-or-repair operability decisions are   •   Explain the use of Risk for engineering applications
          addressed in ASME-API-NBIC codes and standards; and which   •  Define a comprehensive list of equipment to be covered in an
          parts are at the discretion of the engineer          Inspection Program
         •    Apply basic run-or-repair principles to diagnose the cause of   •  Identify plausible failure mechanisms and associated consequence
          damage or abnormal condition, and know what simplified and   scenarios
          advanced methods and criteria are available for their analysis  •  Calculate Probability of Failure, Consequence of Failure, and Risk
         •    Identify the criteria used for making operability decisions for several   •   Select proper inspection technologies
          types of generic damage mechanisms, including fatigue, pitting,   •   Create inspection schedules
          corrosion, cracking, overload, leaks, and component support   •   Develop mitigation strategies
                                                              Who Should Attend                                   BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS MasterClass Series
         Who Should Attend                                    Plant engineers, maintenance engineers, and inspectors involved in
         Plant staff engineers, designers, project engineers, maintenance   the inspection and maintenance of piping, pressure vessels, and other
         engineers, inspectors, and regulators who desire a practical   critical plant equipment engineers in the refining, petrochemical, and
         roadmap for making run-or-repair and operability decisions based   power generation industries
         on the sound application of ASME codes and standards, regulations,
         and engineering practice                             1 Day, 0.8 CEUs, 8 PDHs
         Special Requirements
         This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants
         have a basic knowledge of ASME Pressure Vessel Codes &

         Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly
         challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion.
         2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs

                       MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR                               MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR
                       George Antaki, P.E., is a fellow of the ASME,        John L. Arnold, PE, is the founder of Niantic
                       with over 40 years of experience in pressure         Bay Engineering, LLC, and is an internationally
                       equipment.  He is internationally recognized for     recognized expert in the assessment of boilers,
                       his expertise in design, analysis, and fitness-for-  pressure equipment and high-energy piping.
                       service evaluation of pressure equipment and         He is a member of the Post Construction
                       piping systems. He is the chair of ASME B31          Subcommittee on Inspection Planning as well
                       Mechanical Design Committee, chair of ASME III       as the Committee on Power Boilers (BPV, I)
                       Working Group Piping Design, member of               and is the Chair of the Subgroup on Fabrication
                       the ASME III Subgroup Component Design,              and Examination for BPV I.
                       and ASME Operation and Maintenance
                       Subgroup Piping.

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