Page 14 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 14

Bases and Application of Design                            Coming in Fall 2016!
        Requirements for High Pressure Vessels
        in ASME Code Section VIII, Division 3
                                                              Fracture Mechanics and other Methods
                                                              for Fatigue and Fracture Analysis of
        MC127  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE
                                                              Pressure Equipment
        This two-day MasterClass provides an overview of the design
        methodology and philosophy of ASME Section VIII, Division 3, Alternative
        Rules for High Pressure Vessels, which incorporates an overview of the   MC150  MasterClass Series
        analysis methods used, including the application of FEA, to meet the
        requirements of the Code.                             Fatigue is one of the most common failure modes in pressure
                                                              equipment.  It is important to understand the strengths and
        Examples of practical applications for many of the techniques are   weaknesses of the various methods of fatigue analysis in both new
        discussed to demonstrate the philosophy of the Code criteria.   This   construction and post construction (in-service) codes and standards.
        includes an overview of the problems presented in ASME PTB-5-2013
        and the ASME Section VIII, Division 3 Example Problem Manual.  Detailed   This two-day Master Class focuses on the fracture mechanics method
        scenarios are examined to illustrate how the analytical techniques are   of analysis, which is the best available method when crack-like flaws
        applied, and their respective limitations.  An overview of key elements   have been discovered in pressure equipment that is in service.
        of the materials, fabrication sections, along with a review of special   Fracture mechanics can also be used to determine the design
        construction techniques and an overview of fatigue calculations and life   fatigue life of pressurized components for new construction of
        assessment are also included in the discussion.       pressure vessels constructed to ASME Section VIII, Division 3 (Div.
        You Will Learn To                                     3) and in fact is required by Div. 3 in many cases.  However, other
        •     Identify the probable causes of piping vibration  methods of fatigue analysis that are appropriate in many cases will
        •     Determine if vibration is likely to be excessive  also be discussed.  This class will provide detailed instruction on
        •     Recommend methods to correct the problem if the vibration    the application of fracture mechanics and, to a more limited extent,
          is excessive                                        other methods so that attendees will be able to select the technique
                                                              appropriate for each situation.
        Who Should Attend                                     The technical basis for this MasterClass is API 579-1/ASME FFS-1,
        Engineers, senior designers, maintenance, quality assurance, inspection   Fitness-For-Service and ASME Section VIII, Division 3, Alternative Rules
        and manufacturing personnel who work with process piping (e.g., in the   for Construction of High Pressure Vessels.  This is not a course in the
        chemical, petroleum, plastic processing, pulp and paper fields)    theory of fracture, but focuses on practical applications.
        Special Requirements                                  You Will Learn To
        This Master Class is structured on the assumption that participants have a
        basic understanding of at least one of the ASME B31 piping codes.  •   Identify the best method to determine the fatigue life of cyclically
                                                                pressurized components
        Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly challenging
        issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion.  •   Perform a fatigue analysis in accordance with the appropriate Codes
                                                                and Standards
        2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                             •   Perform a linear-elastic fracture mechanics analysis in accordance
                                                                with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and ASME Section VIII, Division 3 (Div.
                                                                3) to determine crack stability and remaining life for in-service
                                                                equipment with a crack-like flaw or for new construction to Div. 3.
                                                              Who Should Attend
                                                              Engineers working for Pressure Vessel Manufacturers, Owner/User
                                                              firms and EPC firms who, design, specify, procure or are responsible
                                                              for inspection, maintenance or repair of pressure equipment in cyclic
                                                              Special Requirements
                                                              This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants
                        MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR                have a basic understanding of fracture mechanics and API 579-1/ASME
                        Daniel T. Peters, PE, is an internationally   FFS-1.
                        recognized expert in the design and analysis
                        of pressure equipment and pressure vessels,   Masterclass Instructor
                        specializing in high-pressure equipment. He is   J. Robert “Bob” Sims
                        currently an Associate with Structural Integrity
                        Associates, Inc. and works in the area of   15 hours, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
                        pressure vessel and piping design, analysis,
                        fitness for service and asset management. He
                        is a past Chair of the ASME Pressure Vessel
                        and Piping Division’s High Pressure Technology
                        Committee and the Pressure Vessels and Piping
                        Division. He has authored or coauthored several
                        papers in this area.

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