Page 13 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 13
Advanced Application of ASME B&PVC, Impact Testing and Toughness
Section VIII, Division 1: Construction Requirements for Pressure Vessels;
Requirements NEW! ASME Section VIII, Divisions 1 & 2 NEW!
This two-day MasterClass is an advanced application course intended All pressure vessel designers need to evaluate their vessel designs
to take participants beyond the introductory course presentation, diving for toughness considerations, and determine if impact testing or other
deeper into the detailed code rules of ASME Section VIII Division 1. types of toughness testing is required. The rules of ASME Section VIII,
By providing a detailed explanation of practical applications of the Divisions 1 and 2 may require toughness testing to be performed to
requirements for material, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, demonstrate the suitability of the vessel for service at the designated
testing and documentation of pressure vessels, delegates will develop minimum design metal temperature (MDMT), or may provide several
greater insights into the practical application of code rules for the options for exemption from toughness testing under qualifying
construction and certification of pressure vessels. Case studies, conditions.
including Code Case 2695, are discussed in detail to help illustrate This one-day MasterClass provides an in-depth review of the rules
design formulas and various alternative design techniques.
and application of the ASME Section VIII, Divisions 1 & 2 code rules
The class includes detailed example problems that demonstrate how for toughness requirements associated with a pressure vessel
the Code requirements are to be applied. design. The rules of Parts UG, UCS, UHA and UNF for determining
when toughness testing is required or may be exempted and how to
You Will Learn To perform toughness testing when it is required. The detailed technical
• Identify acceptable materials and explain submission procedures for criteria that apply to toughness testing are discussed in depth. Case
new materials studies are used to illustrate proper application of the Code rules to
• Explain the use of Code Case 2695 and selection of design formulas specific design situations for various vessel types and materials of
• Describe general fabrication requirements, testing and certification construction. This provides participants with a better understanding of
requirements, toughness requirements as well as pre-heat and post- how the rules work together in real world applications.
weld heat treatment requirements
• Evaluate how to apply the Code Mark and prepare the Manufacturer’s You Will Learn To
Data Report • Determine when toughness testing is required, what type(s) of
testing are required to be performed, and the applicable acceptance
Who Should Attend criteria
Engineers, managers and quality control personnel involved with the • Apply code provisions for exemption from toughness testing for BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS MasterClass Series
purchase, design, construction or inspection of pressure vessels on a specific materials of construction, governing thicknesses, and
regular basis, and have already obtained a basic working knowledge minimum design metal temperatures
of ASME Section VIII, Division 1. Some prior exposure and experience • Identify requirements for welding procedure specification
with ASME Section VIII, Division 1 is recommended, as the presentation qualification with impact testing, and the acceptance criteria to be
is prepared with the assumption that delegates already have a basic achieved for acceptance
understanding of ASME Section VIII, Division 1 requirements. • Explain the principles of production impact testing, when it is
required, and the applicable conditions for performance and
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs acceptance
Who Should Attend
Fabricators and designers who desire a better understanding of
toughness requirements for pressure vessels
Special Requirements
Participants are encouraged to bring examples of toughness
applications encountered on the job for in-class discussion.
1 Day, .8 CEUs, 8 PDHs
John Swezy, PE, Member of ASME Standards John Swezy, PE, Member of ASME Standards
Committee for Pressure Vessels and Chair of Committee for Pressure Vessels and Chair of
the Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination. the Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination.
John has over 35 years of industry experience, John has over 35 years of industry experience,
and over 20 years in developing and and over 20 years in developing and
implementing QC programs for design, implementing QC programs for design,
welded fabrication, repairs, and alterations of welded fabrication, repairs, and alterations of
pressure equipment. He is a National Board pressure equipment. He is a National Board
Commissioned Boiler and Pressure Vessel Commissioned Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Inspector and recognized for his expertise with Inspector and recognized for his expertise with
the ASME Code rules of Section VIII, Divisions the ASME Code rules of Section VIII, Divisions
1 and 2. 1 and 2.
Visit 11