Page 9 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 9

Seismic Design and Retrofit                          API 579-1/ASME FFS-1
        of Equipment and Piping                              Fitness-for-Service

        PD394                                                PD395
        Several National Standards and regulations (such as the National   Fitness-for-service assessment is a multi-disciplinary engineering
        Hazard Reduction Program NEHRP by FEMA, the ASME and UBC   approach that is used to determine if equipment is fit to continue
        Codes) have recently introduced explicit requirements for the seismic   operation for some desired future period. The equipment may contain
        design or retrofit of critical plant and facility systems and equipment.   flaws, may have sustained damage or may have aged so that it cannot
                                                             be evaluated by use of the original construction codes.
        This course provides plant owners in earthquake-prone areas who
        are concerned about reducing public risk and financial loss caused   API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 is a comprehensive consensus industry-
        by earthquakes, with ways to implement cost-effective preventive   recommended practice that can be used to analyze, evaluate and
        upgrades to essential equipment. It covers the explicit requirements of   monitor equipment for continued operation. The main types of
        the latest national standards and regulations, including FEMA’s National   equipment covered by this standard are pressure vessels, piping and
        Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP), as well as ASME and UBC Codes,   tanks. This course is timely, emphasizing the practical application of a
        for the seismic design or retrofit of critical plant and facility systems and   recently updated standard.
                                                             This course will help participants understand and apply the API/ASME
        Each participant will receive a copy of the B31E - 2008 Standard for   fitness-for-service standard in their daily work. The material presented
        the Seismic Design and Retrofit of Above-Ground Piping Systems   in the course shows how the disciplines of stress analysis, materials
        codebook.                                            engineering and nondestructive inspection interact and apply to
                                                             fitness-for-service assessment. The assessment methods apply to
        You Will Learn To                                    in-service pressure vessels, piping and tanks.
        •  Identify requirements for the seismic design or retrofit of critical plant   The course includes an extensive set of notes to supplement the
         and facility systems and equipment to comply with the latest national
         codes                                               contents of the recommended practice, with numerous example
        •  Explain how to evaluate plant piping and equipment to ensure those   problems that illustrate fitness-for-service assessment.
         requirements are met, and practical methods to resolve items which   You Will Learn To
         do not meet requirements                            •  Analyze, evaluate, and monitor pressure vessels, piping, and tanks
        •   Demonstrate a theoretical and practical understanding of seismic   for continued operation
         design and analysis and the applicable codes, standards and practices  • Explain how to apply background information on fitness-for-service   BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS Public Courses
        •   Explain how to apply the engineering methods necessary to assess   assessment, especially as it applies to the refining and chemical
         the seismic ruggedness of structure                  process industries, which are the primary focus of API 579
                                                             •  Identify the main parts of the API/ASME standard, as well as the
        Who Should Attend                                     annexes
        Senior engineers, structural managers and engineers as well as design   • Explain the practical application of the techniques incorporated in API
        piping and stress engineers                           579-1/ASME FFS-1
        Special Requirements                                 Who Should Attend
        Participants should have at minimum a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical   This course is intended for engineers and engineering management
        or civil-structural engineering or the equivalent.   engaged in the operation, design, analysis and maintenance of plant
        Instructors George Antaki, Michael W. Salmon
        4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs                              Special Requirements
        Member $2,295 / List Price $2,450                    The participant should have at least a BS degree or equivalent
                                                             experience in engineering. A general knowledge of stress analysis,
                                                             materials behavior and fracture mechanics will be helpful.
                                                             Instructor Greg W. Brown
                                                             3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                             Member $1,895 / List Price $1,995

        See pages 90–95 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses
        delivered in the USA during Autumn 2016.

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