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BPV Code: Plant Equipment                            BPV Code, Section I:
         Requirements                                         Power Boilers

        PD622  ASME STANDARDS COURSE                          PD665  ASME STANDARDS COURSE
        This four-day course provides comprehensive instruction on design,   ASME codes and standards are the most widely used in the world for the
        fabrication and operation requirements for pressure vessel, boiler, steam   design, operation, maintenance and repair of power boilers, pressure
        generator and associated equipment. The Code provides the owner   vessels and nuclear facilities.
        the option to extend Code rules beyond pressure vessel boundary   This course will provide the participant with a detailed knowledge of the
        limits to attached mechanical equipment. The list includes pressurized   responsibilities of personnel involved in the manufacturing, fabrication
        components as well as welded and bolted flange connections.
                                                              and examination of new power boiler plant components and new
        The course focuses attention on a wide range of topics, including   construction activity as defined by Section I of the ASME Boiler &
        design, material and manufacturing responsibilities for Code compliance,   Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC).
        circulation in and design of boiler evaporator, superheater, economizer,   The objective of the course is to enhance your knowledge and
        heat balance in waste heat recovery steam generator, furnace chamber   understanding of the requirements for design and construction of
        design and boiler safety attachments, boiler tube toughness, corrosion   power boilers in accordance with Section I of the ASME Boiler &
        resistance, affinity laws, performance curves, efficiency, proportional   Pressure Vessel Code.
        flow and safety valve control mechanism, bolted flange pre-load, joint
        behavior, leakage, welded joint pre- and post-weld heat treatment,   Participants will receive the most recent edition of the B&PVC Section I:
        distortion, cracking, NDE (nondestructive examination) test requirements,   Rules for Construction of Power Boilers.
        as well as over-pressure and over-speed tests.
                                                              You Will Learn To
                                                              •   Describe the purpose of the Sections of the ASME Boiler & Pressure
        You Will Learn To                                      Vessel Code
        •   Design procedures for components for structural integrity, superior   •  Explain the rules and requirements in Section I for the design and
          efficiency and reduced exhaust pollution             construction of power boilers
        •  Explain hydraulic, thermal and fluid theories      •  Describe the use of Section II Materials and their allowable stresses
        •   Gauge severity of operating loads, and mitigate unwelcome failures    •  Explain the basic rules for fabrication of power boilers
          due to pressure surge, cavitation, water hammer and other rapid   • Describe the process for quality control and certification in Section I
          energy transfer mechanisms
                                                              Who Should Attend
        Who Should Attend                                     Engineers, managers and quality personnel who are involved in
        Individuals responsible for design, purchase, manufacture, inspection    manufacturing, fabrication and examination of components or parts
        and sales of plant equipment; some technical background will be helpful,   for power boilers or the construction of power boilers built to the
        but an engineering degree or work experience is not needed.   requirements of U.S. codes and standards; individuals who are or will
        Special Requirement                                   be directly or indirectly involved in the design, analysis, construction,
                                                              maintenance or operation of power boilers
        It is recommended that participants bring a laptop to the course.
                                                              Instructor Bill Lowry
        Instructor Abdulla Rangwala                           5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs
        4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs                               Member $3,195 / List Price $3,295
        Member $2,675 / List Price $2,875

        Free ASME Training & Development
        Autumn 2016 eCalendar Now Available

        Download the FREE Autumn 2016 ASME Training
        & Development eCalendar listing dates and locations
        of Live Course offerings in North America and Europe
        through December 2016, as well as eLearning Courses
        available worldwide from the Internet
        any time.

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