Page 7 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 7
How to Predict Thermal-Hydraulic Loads Flow-Induced Vibration with
on Pressure Vessels and Piping Applications to Failure Analysis
PD382 PD146
When a vessel, pipe or other component fails in a fluid transport or Problem-solving methodologies are the main focus of this
storage system, a thermal-hydraulic load probably exceeded design comprehensive course on practical applications of flow and vibration
limits. Excessive pressure change, fluid acceleration, water hammer or theory. The latest design and analysis tools for the prediction and
rapid energy transfer mechanisms are often the cause. Such problems prevention of vibration in structures exposed to high-energy fluid flow
can be avoided if the engineer correctly anticipates the magnitude and are covered in practical detail.
time response of the loads that could occur.
With a review of flow and vibration theory fundamentals, attendees will
This course summarizes numerous thermal-hydraulic loads that can be discover additional benefits from practical problem-solving activities at
exerted on vessels, pipes, components and structures. It provides a the conclusion of each section. Topics such as vortex- and turbulence-
greater awareness of thermal-hydraulic loads, demonstrates how to use induced vibration, galloping, flutter, sonic fatigue and fluid-elastic
a variety of handout tools for estimating load characteristics while at the instability will be covered in-depth. Attendees are introduced to state-
same time instilling confidence in making either reasonable bounding of-the-art analysis tools for the prediction and prevention of vibration
estimates or rigorous predictions of loads. in structures exposed to high-energy fluid flow. Case studies and a
workshop create an interactive course that aid engineers at various
Participants receive a comprehensive course notebook, which includes
a “tool-kit” complete with tables, graphs, rules-of-thumb, useful levels.
formulations for estimating thermal-hyrdraulic loads for a range of Each participant will receive a copy of the book, Flow-Induced
applications, example problems, exercises plus a reference textbook Vibration, 2nd Edition, by Robert Blevins, Ph.D.
useful for advanced self-study.
You Will Learn To
You Will Learn To • Describe vortex-induced vibration, galloping, flutter, sonic fatigue
and fluid elastic instability
• Explain how to anticipate steady and unsteady thermal-hydraulic • Explain the latest vibration theory
loading phenomena in the design or modification of vessel, piping
and component systems • Demonstrate analysis and test techniques in conjunction with
• Estimate dominant characteristics of thermal-hydraulic forces strategies for successful design
• Describe how to avoid or mitigate unwanted forces by selecting • Explain how to evaluate examples of heat exchanger vibration, BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS Public Courses
strumming of cables as well as vibration and fatigue of panels
appropriate design parameters or restructuring a procedure
Who Should Attend Who Should Attend
Engineers, technical and project managers as well as engineering Engineers in the design, mechanical, product development, system,
instructors wishing to upgrade their understanding of thermal-hydraulic R&D, noise, maintenance and diagnostics fields, as well as supervisors
and managers responsible for the economic impact of flow-induced
phenomena and associated loads, including individuals whose
business or professional interests involve pressure vessels, piping and component damage
thermofluid system components, as well as researchers and inventors Instructor Robert Blevins
seeking new ideas to help improve components and processes
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $1,895 / List Price $1,995
Special Requirement
A degree in engineering, engineering science, physics or other
scientific discipline is recommended.
Instructor Frederick J. Moody
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550
See pages 90–95 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses
delivered in the USA during Autumn 2016.
Visit 5