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Project Management for Engineers                      Preparing for the Project Management
        and Technical Professionals                           Professional Certification Exam

        PD467                                                 PD496

        This three-day course is focused on the mechanical engineering industry, and   The course is designed to help mechanical engineers prepare for the
        provides an overview of project management fundamentals and techniques   Project Management Professional Examination, and is focused on Project
        using lecture, small group case studies, discussions and hands-on simulations   Management Institute’s (PMI®) PMBOK grid, covering all of the materials
        geared towards mechanical engineers and their industry.  PMI considers important in the exam. This course is revised often in order
                                                              to reflect the most recent changes in the Project Management Professional
        This program is not classroom lecture. Participants will work in teams to
        plan a real-world project in the area of mechanical engineering. The team   Examination and coverage of the Guide to the Project Management Body of
        environment amplifies and accelerates participants learning. It also prepares   Knowledge (PMBOK).
        participants to manage their projects in the work environment. In addition,   The entire nature of project management is reviewed, including how
        this course allows each team to build an individual project idea from design   all of the tools and techniques relate to one another, and how it all
        to completion, emulating the project management life cycle.  goes together to make a unified methodology to successfully manage
                                                              products. This course is packed with simulation questions and by the end
        This course is 100% compliant with the Project Management Institute’s   of the course, you will have answered more than 900 questions.
        (PMI’s®) current PMBOK.
     MANAGING PROJECTS Public Courses
                                                              Each participant will receive a copy of the PMP Project Management
        Each student will receive a copy of International Project Management   Professional Study Guide, 4th Edition, by Joseph Phillips; course notes/
        for Technical Professionals and The Knowledge Tornado: Bridging the   presentation is composed of a PowerPoint presentation handout with
        Corporate Knowledge Gap.
                                                              space for notes; and access to MGCG’s online simulation exams after the
        You Will Learn To                                     course, until you pass the exam.
        •   Understand project management concepts from a system theoretic   You Will Learn To
         point of view
        •   Understand the role of project manager as a person who plans,   •  Understand and practice for the PMP certification exam using the latest
         controls, and optimizes a multi-task project towards a singular goal    and most complete test-preparation materials available
         in a timely and cost-effective manner                •   Review each competency area tested on the exam through numerous
        •   Comprehend the science and art of project management in settings   case studies and other valuable practices tools, including more than
         where scarce resources, risky decisions, and conflicting tensions   900 practice questions, simulated questions in the situational format
         continually require sensible and effective compromises  of the new exam, as well as discussion and simulation questions on
        •  Explain concepts and applied techniques for cost effective management   professional responsibility and on risk management
         of both long-term development programs and short-term projects  •  Prepare to answer PMP certification exam questions on Scope and
                                                               Time Management, Cost and Human Resources Management, Risk
        Who Should Attend                                      and Quality Management, Contract and Procurement Management,
        Mechanical engineers, project managers, project leaders or anyone who   Communications Management and Professional Responsibility
        has been or will be assigned project management responsibilities
                                                              Who Should Attend
        Special Requirements                                  Mechanical engineers and technical professionals who possess project
        As prerequisites, participants should have basic management skills, and   management knowledge and are preparing to take the PMP certification
        be involved or planning to become involved with project management.    exam
        Participants should also have an understanding of basic accounting and
        budgeting skills, which will be utilized in budgeting project costs and   Instructor Marcus Goncalves, Brian Porter, Alan Cline
        practical exercises during the course.                2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
                                                              Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550
        Instructors Marcus Goncalves, Brian Porter, Alan Cline
        3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                             Note: The Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification is
        Member $1,895 / List Price $1,995                     designed to certify project managers who meet the criteria for both
                                                              knowledge and experience. Along with the changes of March 2002,
        Take this course and PD496 “Preparing for the Project Management   PMI now requires at least 35-hours of project management education.
        Professional Certification Exam” and save up to $650 by enrolling in   Therefore, it is recommended that candidates register for PD467,
        PD629 “Project Management Combo Course.”              “Project Management for Engineers and Technical Professionals” first,
                                                              or take the two courses combined and register for PD629 “Project
                                                              Management Combo Course,” and save up to $650.

        Take This Combo Course and Save Up to $650!

        Project Management Combo Course


        This course is a combination of “Project Management for Engineers and Technical Professionals” (PD467) and “Preparing for the Project
        Management Professional Certification Exam” (PD496). Take these courses as a combo and SAVE UP TO $650.
        Instructor Marcus Goncalves    5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs     Member $2,775 / List Price $2,895

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