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        Developing Products                                  Execution: How to Get Results

        Online Instructor-Supported Course EL530             Online Assessment Based Course ZABC7
        This course is directed at engineering managers who are responsible   To achieve great results takes a lot of planning, effort and effective
        for new product development, services or processes. The purpose of   execution. How do you define the results you wish to achieve? How
        the course is to provide skills and knowledge in managing the product   do you appropriately plan your efforts? How can you get others truly
        planning, design, and manufacturing processes. It covers the project   involved in helping you achieve what you want to achieve? How do
        life cycle, determining resource requirements, detailed planning and   you address the problems that come up along the way? How can you
        management of the design process.                    effectively learn from and share your execution experience? This course
                                                             answers these and many other related questions.
        You Will Learn To
        •   Explain how product development, projects and company strategy    1.5 PDHs
         are interdependent                                  Price $95
        •  Describe a process to plan and execute projects
        •  Coach others in methods of product development
        •  Communicate key objectives and expectations more effectively  Ethics for Engineers: Doing the
        •   Describe how to obtain better results through thorough planning    Right Thing When No One is Looking
         and management
        •  Explain how to solve strategic issues through tactical implementation  Online Assessment Based Course ZABC3
        •  Direct the engineering development process more effectively
                                                             Ethics has been defined as doing the right thing when no one is
                                                             watching. Are you? Is everyone around you? What should you do if
        22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                        they’re not? Is what you think is right the same thing as what others think
        Member $595 / List Price $695
                                                             is right? In this learning for engineers we’ll explore all these questions
                                                             and you’ll finish with how-to’s for yourself and others.
        Marketing, Sales and Communications                  This is an intermediate level course for all engineers as we all have to   MANAGING PROJECTS eLearning
                                                             display ethical behavior and help others display it as well.
        for Engineers
                                                             3 PDHs
        Online Instructor-Supported Course EL531             Price $75
        This course provides skills, best practices and an appreciation of
        marketing and its interaction with the operations and technical arenas
        of an organization. It covers communication skills, market research and   Strategic Planning
        analysis, benchmarking, trends, the impact of the environment, technology
        assessment forecasting, risk analysis, sales and consumer satisfaction,   Online Instructor-Supported Course EL534
        advertising and integrated marketing communications, pricing, products   This course deals primarily with business strategies, and covers: strategic
        and branding.                                        destinations and planning domestically and internationally, planning for
                                                             new technologies, technology assessment practices and techniques,
        You Will Learn To                                    system design and life-cycle engineering, partnering and outsourcing
        •  Explain how to interpret a market analysis (customer base,   strategies, as well as change management techniques and adjustment
        competition)                                         strategies.
        •  Identify best practices and lessons learned
        •   Explain how to conduct business research and forecasting tools and   You Will Learn To
         techniques                                          •  Identify available resources to formulate action plans
        •   Explain how to apply risk analysis, trend analysis (economics, social,   •  Communicate recommendations and action plans
         political, environmental, technology), and technology assessment   •  Identify and obtain information on competitor’s method application
         practices and techniques                            •  Synthesize information and interpret results
        •   Develop presentation skills, sales and advertising practices and   • Apply technology assessment practices and techniques
         customer satisfaction strategies                    •   Describe how to design for environment, for maintenance,
        •  Describe how to use marketing and branding techniques; product   for re-usability, for life-cycle analysis
         portfolio analysis; global trade and international operations; and   •  Explain how to establish outsourcing and partnering relationships
                                                             • Implement change effectively in a team
         pricing strategies
                                                             22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
        22.5 Hours, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
        Member $395 / List Price: $495                       Member $595 / List Price $695

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