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ASME NQA-1 Requirements
        for Computer Software                                ASME NQA-1 and DOE Quality Assurance
        Used in Nuclear Facilities                           Rule 10 CFR 830

        PD606  ASME STANDARDS COURSE                         PD711  ASME STANDARDS COURSE

        Focusing primarily on Subpart 2.7, QA Requirements for Computer    ASME produces codes and standards that are the most widely used in
        Software, this course examines the requirements found in NQA-1 for   the world for the design, manufacture, operation, maintenance and repair
        using computer software in nuclear facilities. Participants will learn to    of components within nuclear facilities. This three-day course discusses
        apply NQA-1 to the practice of developing, using, maintaining or    the ASME NQA-1 Standard and its four parts, the principal intentions of
        procuring software used in nuclear facilities.       this Standard and how to apply its provisions for Department of Energy
                                                             nuclear facility suppliers, contractors and DOE National Laboratories.
        Each participant will receive a complimentary copy of the ASME NQA-1
        - Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications (QA)   This course is designed to provide management, procurement,
        Standard.                                            engineering and program management with an introduction to and
                                                             overview of ASME as an organization, its Codes and Standards
        You Will Learn To                                    as well as the ASME NQA-1 Standard. The instructor explains how this
        •   Explain how ASME NQA-1 applies to computer software such as   Standard is applied to DOE nuclear facilities, as well as providing a brief
         design and analysis software including use of spreadsheets, custom   overview of the subsections of B&PV Code, Section III, as they apply
         developed software, configurable software such as that found in digital   to construction of nuclear facilities and DOE Orders concerning quality
         instrumentation and control systems, and acquired software including   assurance, such as 414.1D, G414.1-2B, 450.2. Other covered topics include
         software dedication                                 a brief history of the B&PV code, the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and
        •  Describe the regulatory requirements, standards, and guidance   Standards and the NQA-1 guidance for implementation within DOE Rules
         associated with computer software used in nuclear facilities  and Orders for Quality Assurance.
        •  Identify the elements of a QA Plan for computer software activities
        •  Prepare and conduct a computer software audit     Participants will receive complimentary copies of the ASME NQA-1
                                                             Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications
        Who Should Attend                                    Standard.
        Design, software and quality engineers, regulators, licensing and    You Will Learn To
        procurement personnel, program managers and auditors
                                                             •  Explain the purpose and organization of ASME
        Special Requirements                                 •   Describe the scope of ASME codes and standards applicable to   NUCLEAR Public Courses
        Participants should have a general understanding of the software   components in a nuclear facility
        development life cycle and quality assurance process.  •  Explain the purpose, organization and requirements of NQA-1 Quality
                                                              Assurance for Nuclear Facility Applications
        Instructor Norman P. Moreau                          •  Identify the 18 criteria basis of the NQA-1 Standard contained
        2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                             in Part 1, NQA Parts 2, 3 and 4
        Member $1,625 / List Price $1,725                    •  Apply the four principal Department of Energy requirement documents
                                                              pertaining to nuclear quality assurance for nuclear facilities
                                                             Who Should Attend
                                                             This course is designed for those who are or will be directly or indirectly
                                                             involved in the design, procurement, manufacturing and construction,
                                                             maintenance or operation of a nuclear facility, including anyone involved
                                                             in quality assurance, quality control programs, inspection or procurement
                                                             of materials, as well as nuclear regulatory personnel, university faculty
                                                             and students
                                                             Instructor William K. (Ken) Sowder
                                                             3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                             Member $2,150 / List Price $2,250
        ASME Book of Interest

        Toward Consistent Design Evaluation of Nuclear Power
        Piping by Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (2015)
        Lingfu Zeng, Lennart Jansson and Nils-Erik Wiberg
        80 pp ISBN: 9780791861042
        Print Book Member $79 / List Price $99
        Order Number: 861041


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