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ASME NQA-1 Nondestructive Examination – Applying
Lead Auditor Training ASME Code Requirements (Section V)
This course provides prospective lead auditors with sufficient formal This public course is designed for individuals who require an
training to assist in meeting the training requirement for ASME NQA-1 understanding of the principles, techniques and applications of the key
and N45.2.23 auditors. Nondestructive Examination methods. This program uses PowerPoint to
present the principles of Nondestructive Examination (NDE) and practical
Each participant is given the body of knowledge and understanding
of auditing methods and techniques to conduct audits of nuclear applications which will provide a basic comprehensive knowledge of the
major methods.
quality assurance programs. The material covers the development,
organization and administration of an audit program; the mechanics Emphasis is placed on basic procedures, techniques, applications,
of an individual audit; audit objectives; and auditing techniques. advantages and limitations as related to the ASME Boiler & Pressure
Vessel Code, Section V for each method. Examples of NDE devices
Participants will receive complimentary copies of the ASME NQA-1
Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications supplement the classroom lectures to enable the attendee to obtain
a better understanding of the general theory, uses and variables of
the methods presented. A copy of the Handbook of Nondestructive
You Will Learn To Evaluation, 2nd Edition, by Charles Hellier, will be given to each
• Identify and become knowledgeable of rules and regulations, attendee.
standards and guidance applicable to nuclear facilities
• Explain how to examine the general structure of quality assurance You Will Learn To
programs such as NQA-1 and ISO 9001 • Describe the applications of the basic NDE methods and the various
• Describe how to establish an audit program and how to plan for materials to be examined
conducting audits • Explain the principles, procedures, evaluation, reporting and ASME
• Identify the four phases of the audit life cycle: Code requirements of the basic NDE methods
1) preparation, 2) performance, 3) reporting and 4) follow-up • Identify the techniques of the visual, penetrant, magnetic particle,
• Identify the duties and responsibilities of both an auditor and radiographic, ultrasonic and eddy current testing methods
lead auditor Who Should Attend
• Evaluate quality assurance program documents and associated NUCLEAR Public Courses
procedures Design, structural, maintenance and materials engineers, and
• Explain how to prepare and perform internal and supplier audits management, supervisors, regulators, auditors, and project managers
including how to report and follow up on findings
• Demonstrate an understanding of auditing methods and techniques Instructors Larry Mullins
through participation in practical exercises and examination 3 DAYS, 2.3 CEUS, 15 PDHS
Member $2,150 / List Price $2,250
Who Should Attend
Quality engineers, auditors, engineers, project managers,
inspection personnel, production supervisors, facility representatives,
procurement personnel, safety system oversight staff and
assessment personnel
Instructors Norman P. Moreau, Ron Schrotke
4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs
Member $2,295 / List Price $2,450
Visit 55