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        Core Engineering Management

        PD620                                                Leadership and Organizational Management:
                                                             Leading Individuals and Engineering
        The foundation of any engineering manager’s toolkit is an understanding   Project Teams
        of core management theory.
        This course takes the theory and applies it to real-world situations   Online Instructor-Supported Course EL532
        through case studies and project examples. At each step the legal,
        personnel and economic environments are considered, and the result   Learn how to lead project teams successfully to deliver on time and on
        is a clear understanding of how the elements of management are   budget, from selection of appropriate project team members through
        intertwined.                                         management of team dynamics and communication, especially in remote
                                                             teams. Investigate tools for saving teams in trouble, look at problem
        You Will Learn To                                    solving and team focus. Instead of just being part of the team, learn how
        •  Determine the correlation between a business plan and new    to become the leader of the team.
         product development
        •  Determine future need for product using a trend analysis and to   You Will Learn To
         calculate life cycle costs                          •   Explain operational issues including recruitment, negotiation and
        •  Identify supply/demand issues                      conflict-resolution techniques
        •  Identify training needs                           •   Describe strategic management models and thinking
        •  Select appropriate codes                          •  Explain the differences between leadership and management
        •  Develop a Work Schedule Breakdown (WBS)           •   Describe the dynamics of dealing with diverse teams
        •  Identify the steps to take if a contract is breached
        •  Describe basic information on patents, copyright and trademarks  22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                             Member $595 List Price: $695
        •  Develop balanced scorecard objectives, measures, targets
         and initiatives
        •  Complete a risk analysis and problem-solving techniques  Also available as a two-day Public Course: PD531, “Leadership and
        •  Move team members through a change                Organizational Management” (see page 44)
        •  Explain leadership vs. management behaviors and competencies
        •  Describe diversity awareness                      Ethics for Engineers: Doing the Right Thing When     MANAGING PEOPLE eLearning
        •  Identify conflict-resolution styles
        •  Describe codes of ethics                          No One is Looking
        •  Locate pertinent information in reference to certification,
         accreditation and licensing                         Online Assessment Based Course ZABC3
                                                             Ethics has been defined as doing the right thing when no one is watching.
        Who Should Attend                                    Are you? Is everyone around you? What should you do if they’re not? Is
        Engineering managers of work teams and project managers for   what you think is right the same thing as what others think is right? In this
        engineering projects
                                                             learning for engineers we’ll explore all these questions and you’ll finish
                                                             with how-to’s for yourself and others.
        Instructor Jackie Martin
        4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs                              This is an intermediate level course for all engineers as we all have to
        Member $2,295 / List Price $2,450                    display ethical behavior and help others display it as well.

                                                             3 PDHs
                                                             Price $75

                                                             Changing Organizational Culture
                                                             Online Assessment Based Course ZABC8
       ASME Book of Interest                                 This course explains how to deal with change in your organization and
                                                             offers management techniques that incorporate both engineering and
                     Unwritten Laws of Ethics and Change in   psychological approaches to change the way an organization functions
                     Engineering (2015)                      to help minimize discomfort and uncertainty throughout the organization.
                                                             Changing the way an organization functions can be a tenuous process;
                     120 pp ISBN 9780791860588               therefore, it is crucial to implement initiatives in a way that minimizes
                     Print Book Member $23 / List Price $29  turnover of talented employees and maximizes employee productivity.
                     Order Number: 860588
                                                             1.5 PDHs
                                                             Price $95


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