Page 42 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 42

Dimensioning and Tolerancing                         Mechanical Tolerancing
         Principles for Gages and Fixtures                    for Six Sigma

         PD515                                                PD449

         Participants of this course will study and apply techniques concerning   This two-day course teaches participants how to solve assembly
         the proper design, dimensioning, and tolerancing of GO gages,   stacks using both traditional and Six Sigma methods. We highlight
         NOGO gages, Functional Gages and Fixtures per the ASME Y14.43-  the design risks that are associated with the classical methods of
         2011 Standard, entitled, Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles for   tolerance analysis, and introduce Six Sigma methods that will eliminate
         Gages and Fixtures.  Those who are involved in the application or   these risks.
         interpretation of dimensioning and tolerancing of products will gain a   The goal of the Six Sigma techniques is to teach the participants how
         thorough understanding of these principles through the knowledge   to assess the manufacturing and design risk of their tolerances. This
         of how to gage and fixture them properly.  This course encompasses   risk is quantified in terms of manufacturing defects and assembly de-
         lectures, discussions and applications working directly with handout   fects. These methods are unique because they allow the participants
         materials and the standard.                          to optimize their designs by making trade-offs between assembly
         Each participant will receive a copy of the ASME Standard, Y14.43 - 2011   defects and manufacturing defects.
         Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles for Gages and Fixtures.  This is a lecture course, with many opportunities for participants to
         You Will Learn To                                    work on problems. We walk the participants through each of the
         •   Explain the roll of gaging within a company’s quality management   tolerance analysis and allocation methods. After they master each
                                                              method, we show them an Excel® spreadsheet that automates each
           system related to ISO 9001, specifically Clause 8, and B89 7.2   method. This course is unique because it teaches participants to apply
           Measurement Plan                                   Six Sigma techniques to predict their design and manufacturing risk
         •   Explain how to apply the rules, principles and practices of gage and   before they build parts.
           fixture design, dimensioning and tolerancing per the Y14.43-2011
           standard                                           Participants receive an Excel® spreadsheet to automate the tolerance
         •   Explain how to extend the principles contained in ASME Y14.5M-1994   analysis and allocation methods and a participant guide as a hands-on
           and ASME Y14.5M-2009, to gages and fixtures used for manufacturing   reference.
           and inspection
         •   Explain how choices made on design, dimension, and tolerance gages   You Will Learn To
           and fixtures determine whether good parts will be rejected and/or bad   •  Create one-dimensional loop diagrams
           parts will be accepted                             •  Explain the development of assembly requirement equations
         •   Examine the economic reality of gage use based on part function and   •  Conduct an analysis of mechanical assembly requirements using
           production volume                                   Worst Case (WC), Root Sum of the Squares (RSS) and Modified Root
         •   Explain how to put into practice the proper simulation of datum   Sum of the Squares (MRSS) methods
           features                                           •  Document risks associated with using the WC, RSS and MRSS
                                                               analysis methods
         Who Should Attend                                    •  Describe the analysis of Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
         Those with an interest in learning the new rules, regulations and   (GD&T) controls in a tolerance analysis
         preferred ASME and ANSI practices per the newly released standard;   •  Describe the allocation of mechanical tolerances based on process
         gage designers, fixture designers, manufacturing engineers, process   capabilities using WC and Six Sigma statistical methods
         engineers, quality engineers, inspectors and/or anyone wishing to   •  Provide estimates of manufacturing piece part defect rates and
         strengthen their knowledge of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing  assembly tolerance defect rates
                                                              •  Use MechTOLTM Lite spreadsheet to automate tolerance analysis
         Special Requirements                                  and allocation processes
         Course participants should have a basic knowledge of the Y14.5   Who Should Attend
         Standard in order to optimize their learning experience.
                                                              Anyone responsible for putting tolerances on mechanical drawings,
         Instructor Pat McCuistion                            including mechanical design engineers, drafting designers, fabrication
         3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                            engineers, assembly engineers and quality engineers
         Member $1,895 / List Price $1,995
                                                              Special Requirements
                                                              It is recommended that participants bring a laptop with Excel®
                                                              software. Additionally, participants must bring a calculator with square
                                                              and square root functions.
                                                              Instructor Paul Drake
                                                              2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
                                                              Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550

         See pages 90–95 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses
         delivered in the USA during Autumn 2016.

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