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Basic Gas Turbine Engine Technology
Online Self-Study Course EL540
This course will provide a good general understanding of gas turbines MASTERCLASS COURSES
in a user-friendly format that allows the student to proceed at their own
pace and schedule. The course is a non-mathematical approach to COMING SOON!
understanding the fundamental nature of gas turbine engines and the
processes that affect their performance.
10 PDHs
Member $295 / List Price $395
The following MasterClass topics are currently in
Basic Gas Turbine Engine Technology
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC49
This course introduces the gas turbine engine, including operation, • Pipe Support Inspections: Review of Select Codes,
manufacture and maintenance. It looks at how the technology works • Static, Elastic Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Approaches
GAS TURBINES eLearning Essentials: PTC 6 - Testing Steam Turbines • Design by Rule in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Standards and Recommended Practices
and the factors that affect performance.
2 PDHs
Price $195
to address ASME Section VIII Design by Analysis
Code Section VIII Division 2
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC37
• Fracture Mechanics applied to Pressure Vessels and
Piping Systems
This course covers the PTC 6 Standard, which provides procedures
for the accurate testing of steam turbines. It is used in conducting
acceptance tests of steam turbines and any other situation in which
performance levels must be determined with minimum uncertainty.
3 PDHs
• Creep, Creep Fatigue and Remaining Life Assessment
Price $195 • Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Applied to Integrity
of Components
• Metallurgical Failure Analysis for Vessels and Piping
Essentials: B133.8 Gas Turbine Installation Sound
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC44
Sound emissions are a serious concern to the health and welfare of the The ASME MasterClass Series is comprised of
public. This course provides essential information for the procurement premium learning programs featuring topics aimed
of gas turbine power plants involving acoustical requirements. This at experienced professionals. MasterClasses
Standard addresses this concern within its field of application.
emphasize learning through discussion of real world
2 PDHs case studies and practical applications. Recognized
Price $195 experts lead in-depth sessions that address current
issues and best practices to inspire interactive
discussions and group knowledge-sharing.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
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