Page 35 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 35

Design and Selection of                              Economics of Pipe Sizing
        Heat Exchangers                                      and Pump Selection

        PD673                                                PD690

        This two-day course covers the design, selection and sizing of   Bad decisions during the piping design and pump selection phases
        heat exchangers and begins with a brief review of heat transfer   can lead to years of unnecessarily high costs that are wasteful and
        fundamentals.  It continues with a look at four main types of heat   not recoverable. Therefore, it is worthwhile to make a complete and
        exchangers that are used in the industry: the Double Pipe Heat   thorough analysis throughout these processes. Piping should be
        Exchanger, the Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, the Plate and Frame   designed to meet minimum cost requirements and still be adequate for
        Heat Exchanger and the Cross Flow Heat Exchanger.    meeting operational requirements.
        The discussion of each of these exchangers includes a description of   This course emphasizes using economics to determine the least annual
        construction, various methods of analysis and design considerations.    cost associated with the sizing (i.e., diameter) of a pipe. It also includes
        The course also includes real-world examples and in-class problems.    topics that cover how to determine a system curve to aid in the proper
        An appendix of relevant data is also provided as part of the course.  selection of a pump; avoidance of cavitation; and miscellaneous related
        Each student will receive a copy of Introduction to Fluid Mechanics,
        4th Edition, by Dr. William S. Janna.                The course begins with a brief review of fluid properties including
                                                             density, viscosity, and pressure. It continues with a definition of volume
        You Will Learn To                                    and mass flow rate, and the principle of conservation of mass. Students
        •  Explain the heat transfer fundamentals needed to analyze heat   also review the ASME, ANSI and ASTM standards that are applied to
         exchangers                                          pipes and copper water tubes along with methods of attaching fittings
        •  Explain how to analyze the four types of existing heat exchangers  to pipes and tubes.
        •  Explain how to size exchangers for a given duty   Throughout the course, students engage in hands-on exercises to
        •  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four types   reinforce the learning process. The instructor also allows students, as a
         of exchangers                                       group, to select additional topics to review.
        Special Requirements                                 You Will Learn To
        Participants are required to bring a scientific calculator and flash drive   •  Use the principles of fluid mechanics to solve piping system problems
        to the course.                                       •  Analyze piping problems                            FLUIDS AND HEAT TRANSFER Public Courses
                                                             •  Calculate an economical line size
        Who Should Attend                                    •  Explain pump testing procedures
        This course is intended for engineers who specify, use or analyze heat   •  Determine pump size for a given pipe size
        exchangers on a regular basis, or for those in the process industries that   •  Explain how to avoid cavitation
        need a broader background in sizing heat exchangers. The participant
        should be an engineer or engineering technologist who is familiar   Who Should Attend
        with, or wants to become more familiar with heat exchangers and the   Engineers who specify, use or analyze piping systems on a regular
        methods of analyzing them.                           basis, and who wish to improve their knowledge of pipe specifications,
                                                             joining methods, fittings, pipe losses, and piping system installations as
        Instructor William S. Janna                          well as those in the process industries who need a broader background
        2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                            in sizing pumps. This course is intended for participants who have stud-
        Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550                    ied fluid mechanics.

                                                             Special Requirements
                                                             Participants are required to bring scientific calculators and flash drives
                                                             with them to the course.
                                                             Instructor William S. Janna
                                                             2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
                                                             Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550

                                                             See pages 90–95 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses
                                                             delivered in the USA during Autumn 2016.

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