Page 39 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 39

The Gas Turbine:                                     The Gas Turbines –
        Principles and Applications                          Controlling Pollutants

        PD115                                                PD765

        The gas turbine is a versatile source of shaft or propulsion power in    Controlling the emission of pollutants from gas turbine engines –
        a growing number of applications.                    whether they come from aircraft, ground-based energy conversion or
                                                             mechanical drives – is one of the grand challenges of our time. Design
        The course reviews methods for evaluating gas turbines performance,
        leading to the criteria for selection and application of the engine.     strategies for many gas turbine components, specifically combustors
        Attendees will be instructed in identifying functions of the several    and fuel nozzles, require a thorough understanding of the control of
        components of the gas turbine.                       regulated combustion pollutants released into the atmosphere.
                                                             This course presents a balanced look at current and future low-
        A thorough introduction into quantitative analysis of engine performance
        based on component characteristics will be provided. The successful   emission design strategies for both aircraft and ground-based gas
        operation of gas turbines will be analyzed, including the necessary   turbine engines. It demonstrates that the formation mechanisms for
        characteristics of materials and fuels, the control of combustion   the regulated pollutants is critical for efficient engineering design
        emissions, along with elements of condition monitoring and maintenance.    strategies and technology development.
        Specific examples of component and gas turbine engine designs are   The course will over a wide range of topics, including premixed or
        shown to illustrate the application of the analysis principles.    partially-premixed combustor designs, staging in lean-premixed
                                                             prevaporized (LPP) mixture and its consequences on designs of the
        You Will Learn To                                    combustor, prevaporization, combustion efficiency, lean stability,
        •  Explain the methods for evaluating the performance of gas turbines,   auto-ignition, flashback, fuel nozzles and lean direct injection (LDI).
         leading to the criteria for selection and application of the engine
        •  Identify functions of the several components of the gas turbine   Operability issues (such as part-load emissions, stability and lean
        •  Conduct a basic quantitative analysis of engine performance based    blowout, ignition, thermal managements, pattern factor, combustor
         on component characteristics                        pressure losses, combustion oscillations, and alternative fuels) will
        •  Analyze the successful operation of gas turbines, including the   also be discussed.
         necessary characteristics of materials and fuels, the control of   Using case studies from manufacturers and technology developers, the
         combustion emissions along with elements of condition monitoring    class discussion will emphasize the system-level and practical issues
         and maintenance                                     that must be addressed in developing different types of gas turbines    GAS TURBINES Public Courses
                                                             that emit pollutants at acceptable levels. The course will be especially
        Who Should Attend                                    valuable to those who are new in the field as well as those who wish to
        Gas turbine newcomers and more experienced professionals who desire   increase their understanding of gas turbine emission control strategies.
        an overview of the many available gas turbine technologies
                                                             You Will Learn To
        Special Requirements                                 •  Describe the requirements for low-emission combustion engines for
        Instruction in analysis and performance prediction methods assumes   both aircraft and ground-based
        an engineering degree background. Practical design, operating and   •   Explain the fundamental formation mechanisms for particulates, NOx,
        maintenance considerations are reviewed for the engineer operator    and CO in gas turbine engines
        and manager.                                         •   Describe design and control strategies for low-emission engines,
                                                              including NOx and CO formation and control
        Instructor John Blanton                              •  Explain how to make a smooth and efficient transition from other
        2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                             engine technologies to gas turbine engines and maintenance
        Member $1,450 / List Price $1,550
                                                             Who Should Attend
        Also see…                                            This course is for design, application, and test engineers, researchers,
        Five-day ASME Public Course, “Turbo-Machinery Dynamics: Design    scientists, and technical managers who are involved in low-emission
        and Operation” PD432 (see page 20)                   gas turbine engine technology. Those with both modeling/simulation
                                                             and experimental orientations will benefit from the course.

                                                             Instructor Bruce Chehrudi
                                                             3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                             Member $1,895 / List Price $1,995

        See pages 90–95 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses
        delivered in the USA during Autumn 2016.

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