Page 37 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 37

Electrohydraulic Components                          Pipe Sizing, Pipe Wall Stresses, and
        and Systems  NEW!                                    Water Hammer  NEW!

        PD772                                                PD777

        The introductory part of the course covers the applications of    Pipelines move fluids by pumps under steady state conditions. However,
        electro-hydraulic systems and the benefits of converting the classical   when the flow becomes unsteady – for example, when a downstream
        hydromechanical solutions into electro-hydraulic solutions.   valve in a pipeline is closed rapidly – the result can be catastrophic.
                                                             Changes in the flow direction can create pressure surges producing
        The core part of the course delves into electrohydraulic valves,
        including solenoid operated valves, proportional valves and servo   stress in the pipe wall and a loud banging noise called water hammer.
        valves.                                              It is important to understand the relationship between the pipe wall
                                                             stresses and the changes in fluid pressure and velocity to predict a
        The course reviews the basic functions that are built on the electrical
        control units and drivers for such valves, e.g., gain adjustor, overload   pipe wall failure. This course will provide the equations and calculations
        protection, null adjustment, ramp generator, dead-band eliminator, dither   necessary to solve these problems. It will also provide a review of fluid
        and pulse width modulation.                          mechanics: fluid properties, equations for steady and for unsteady flows,
                                                             flow in a pipeline, friction factor, hydraulic and energy gradient lines, and
        Also discussed are system design considerations and the technicalities   axial and hoop stress calculations in a pipe wall. Once this background
        of in-field tuning of open-loop and closed-loop electrohydraulic systems.   is provided, the unsteady flows can be modeled without undue difficulty.

        You Will Learn To                                    Today, the solutions may be obtained rather quickly using a
        •  Identify the differences in construction, principle of operation, and   spreadsheet. Spreadsheet results allow the user to define how quickly
         characteristics between ON/OFF valves, proportional valves and   a valve is closed, for example, and obtain results immediately. The
         servo valves                                        user may change pipe diameter, friction factor, pipe length, etc., and
        •  Apply real-time control technique for EH systems and perform infield   immediately determine the effects on pressure and on flow rate. Other
         tuning to adjust the system performance             unsteady flows can also be described by the same equation. In fact, the
        •   Describe the basic electronic schematics of the proportional/servo   water hammer problem can be extended to model the unsteady flow of
         valve amplifiers                                    other fluids. (Oils, for example, are especially important.)
        •  Select the best components required to build open- and closed-loop   The course will include exercises to provide participants the opportunity
         electrohydraulic control systems                    to solve unsteady flow problems with spreadsheets using the proper
                                                             equations and calculations.                          FLUIDS AND HEAT TRANSFER Public Courses
        Who Should Attend
        Application engineers, system integrators, motion control engineers,   Participants will be provided with a copy of Introduction to Fluid
        sales engineers, field engineers and end users of electrohydraulic   Mechanics by William S. Janna.
                                                             You Will Learn To
        Instructor Medhat Khalil                             •  Model steady flow fundamentals in a pipeline
        4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs                              •  Describe and model the unsteady flow called water hammer
        Member $2,295 / List Price $2,450                    •   Explain how water hammer results in excessive pipe wall stresses
                                                             •   Predict when such stresses exceed the yield stress of the pipe
                                                             •   Avoid pipeline design and operating conditions that may lead to
                                                               water hammer

                                                             Who Should Attend
                                                             The class is designed for practicing engineers in the power and process
                                                             piping areas, including those in power companies, utility companies,
                                                             valve and pipe manufacturers, oil industries.
                                                             Special Requirements
                                                             Attendees should bring calculators to the course, and are strongly
                                                             encourage to bring laptop computers.

                                                             Instructor William S. Janna
                                                             4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs
                                                             Member $2,295 / List Price $2,450

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