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Pipeline Defect Pipeline Stress Corrosion Crackling
Assessment (SCC) Management
This two-day MasterClass provides a broad overview of analysis methods This two-day MasterClass is intended for engineers interested in learning
for defects in pipeline. The course begins with a summary of important more about SCC, conducting SCC integrity assessments, and managing
material properties and a review of integrity assessment methods for the results of such assessments. Prerequisites are two to four years of
pipeline defects. Analysis methods for corrosion are covered, including experience related to pipeline integrity management and/or involvement
each of the methods cited in the most recent version of ASME B31G – in SCC direct assessment programs. Some prior exposure to high pH or
Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines. A near neutral pH SCC is desired.
discussion on analysis methods for mechanical damage is also included. Students should be familiar with the Canadian Energy Pipeline
Analysis methods for cracks are covered in the second day, which Association (CEPA) Stress Corrosion Cracking, Recommended Practices,
begins with a basic introduction to fracture mechanics. Attendees learn 2nd edition, as well as ASME B31.8S Managing System Integrity of Gas
about the methods of measuring toughness associated with linearly Pipelines, Non-mandatory Appendix A-3.
elastic and elastic-plastic behavior. Next, the use of failure assessment
diagrams and the development of the log-secant equation are discussed, The class provides an overview introduction to SCC and the role of
followed by J-integral based assessments. Finally, both propagating risk in managing SCC. Topics to be discussed in detail include Pipeline
fractures and fatigue are evaluated. Coatings, SCC Direct Assessment, Site Selection, Field Inspection
Protocol and Mitigation Options. Case studies are discussed on Decision
You Will Learn To Making and How to Respond to Finding SCC on your Pipeline System.
• Identify which type of analysis tool is appropriate for common defect
types You Will Learn To
• Apply analysis tools such as ASME B31G and RSTRENG, for metal • Identify the factors needed for SCC to occur on buried transmission
loss due to corrosion pipelines
WHEN TRAINING • Describe the limitations of employing ASME B31G and RSTRENG • Explain the life cycle of SCC initiation, growth, coalescence and
(potential) failure
ALONE CAN’T • Apply analysis methods for mechanical damage, and understand why • Describe the role of cathodic protection and coatings in both high pH
they are less accurate than those for metal loss due to corrosion
SCC and near neutral pH SCC
SOLVE YOUR • Explain the difference between flow stress and toughness related • Describe how toughness affects the defect tolerance of a pipeline PIPING AND PIPELINES MasterClass Series
TALENT NEEDS, • Identify when fracture-mechanics based analysis tools, such as the • Identify factors that affect SCC growth rates, coalescence and
log-secant approach, must be used
ASME CAN • Describe how toughness affects the defect tolerance of a pipeline • Explain the basic elements of an SCC management plan
HELP YOU FIND • Explain how pressure cycling affects fatigue lives of crack-like defects • Describe how SCC management decisions are made
• Initiate the process of developing a company-specific SCC
NEW TALENT! Who Should Attend management plan
Engineers seeking to learn more about analyzing defects in transmission
pipelines, with at least two to four years’ experience related to pipeline Who Should Attend
integrity management and/or defect assessment technologies This MasterClass is intended for engineers interested in learning more
about SCC in transmission pipelines. Attendees should have at least two
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHS to four years of experience related to pipeline integrity management and
defect assessment technologies.
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Tom Bubenik, PhD, has over 35 years of Tom Bubenik, PhD, has over 35 years of
experience in onshore and offshore pipeline experience in onshore and offshore pipeline
integrity and is recognized for his expertise in ILI integrity and is recognized for his expertise in ILI
technology and pipeline degradation. A senior technology and pipeline degradation. A senior
principal engineer at DNV GL, he develops and principal engineer at DNV GL, he develops and
applies technologies to real world problems. applies technologies to real world problems.
He has an excellent understanding of the He has an excellent understanding of the
regulatory requirements, integrity threats and the regulatory requirements, integrity threats and the
costs and consequences of managing pipeline costs and consequences of managing pipeline
integrity. Prior to joining DNV GL, Bubenik was integrity. Prior to joining DNV GL, Bubenik was
with Battelle Pipeline Simulation Facility and with Battelle Pipeline Simulation Facility and
ExxonMobil Upstream Development. He is ExxonMobil Upstream Development. He is
vice chair of ASME Pipeline Systems Division vice chair of ASME Pipeline Systems Division
Executive Committee. Executive Committee.
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