Page 75 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
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        Integrity and Repair of Process Piping
        and Tanks
                                                               ASME Pipeline Technology
        MC144  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE

        The evaluation of the integrity of process piping systems and tanks for   and Standards Training …
        continued operation is a common concern for upstream, transmission
        and storage and downstream operations.  The questions at hand are   a five-day training event
        how to determine the damage mechanisms that affect piping systems
        and tanks, how to inspect them, determine their remaining life, make
        run-or-repair decision and choose among repair options.
        This two-day MasterClass provides an overview of the methods and   October 31 – November 4, 2016
        criteria for inspection of piping systems and tanks, evaluation of
        inspection results, determination of remaining life, and the selection of   Houston, Texas
        the appropriate repair technique.  Examples of practical applications
        for the integrity assessment and repair techniques are discussed to
        illustrate the methods and criteria.  The course addresses not only the
        Code requirements, but also their historical and technical basis, which
        provides participants with the technical foundation to make the correct
        integrity and repair decisions
        You Will Learn To
        •    Identify the general forms of damage mechanisms   Learn directly from Pipeline experts and ASME Code leaders
        •    Describe the methods and standards for the development of    as they discuss best practice standards and practical ways to
          risk-based inspections of PCC-3 and API-580/581      address real world design and safety issues.
        •   Apply the rules of API-579 / ASME FFS-1 to determine remaining
          life of piping systems and tanks
        •   Explain how to apply ASME Post-Construction Code PCC-2 methods   The training event will consist of multiple courses,
          for welded repairs, mechanical repairs and non-metallic repairs
        Who Should Attend
        Piping systems and tank engineers working for owner-users,   •   Onshore Pipeline Design and Construction – A Practical Approach
        manufacturing, inspection or engineering and design firms  (MC139)
        2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                              •    NEW! Pipeline Stress Corrosion Cracking Management (MC141)

                                                               •   NEW! Pipeline Defect Assessment (MC140)
                                                               •    NEW! Integrity Management of Natural Gas Pipelines Using ASME
                                                                 B31.8S Standard (MC142)

                                                               •    NEW! Pipeline Failures, Mitigation, Prevention & Repair using ASME
                                                                 B31.8S Standard (MC143)
                                                               •  ASME B31.4 & B31.8, Liquids and Gas Pipelines (PD723)

                       MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR                  •  ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code (PD643)
                       George Antaki, P.E. of Becht Engineering has   •  Bolted Joint Assembly Principles Per PCC-1-2013 (PD577)
                       over 40 years’ experience in pressure equipment.
                       He is an ASME Fellow, internationally recognized
                       for his expertise in design, analysis and fitness-  •  NEW! Integrity and Repair of Process Piping and Tanks (MC144)
                       for-service evaluation of pressure equipment and   •  Practical Welding Technology (PD359)
                       piping systems. Antaki is chair of the ASME B31
                       Mechanical Design Committee, Chair of ASME   •  In-Line Inspections for Pipelines (PD706)
                       III Working Group Piping Design, member of the
                       ASME III Subgroup Component Design, ASME    … plus more to be announced
                       QME and ASME Operation and Maintenance
                       Subgroup Piping. He has authored three textbooks
                       on the subject of pressure equipment design and
                       integrity evaluation, including Fitness-for-Service   For more details and the latest course information,
                       for Piping, Vessels, and Tanks. Antaki earned his   visit:
                       degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University
                       of Liège, Belgium, and his MS in Mechanical   or contact Jennifer Delda at:
                       Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.
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