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ASME Books of Interest
Process Safety and Risk Management for
Mechanical Engineers NEW!
Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel and Piping Codes, Fourth Edition - Volume 1
PD702 K.R. Rao
900 pp ISBN: 9780791859865
This course covers Process Safety, Risk Understanding and Management Print Book Member $287.00 / List price $359.00
(PSM) principles, and the value of performance beyond regulatory Order Number: 859865
requirements. It also covers the overall benefits of an effective PSM and Risk
Management program, plant and companywide. This course includes topics Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler and Pressure
(that engineers and supervisory personnel need to know) about process Vessel and Piping Codes, Fourth Edition - Volume 2
safety regulatory compliance, actual implementation of appropriate programs K.R. Rao
and procedures, and auditing for compliance and effectiveness.
900 pp ISBN: 9780791859872
Participants learn why past process safety failures occurred and of the need Print Book Member $287 / List price $359
for effective process safety programs in “today’s and “tomorrow’s” worlds. Order Number: 859872
In doing so, it assists each student in understanding why and how such
programs should be instituted in their particular work environments and the Containment Structures of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants
part each of them should and must play for the programs to be implemented Hansraj Ashar
and maintained at peak performance. That is, participants learn how to Walk
the Talk and establish their roles in setting the facility’s culture. Participants 180 pp ISBN: 9780791860175
also gain insight through lecture, discussions, and problem solving Member $149 / List price $199
Order Number: 860175
workshops that will assist in implementing and/or evaluating/auditing a
process safety and Risk Management program in your company or facility.
This course uses the OSHA PSM regulation 29CFR1910.119 as a guidance Design and Analysis of ASME Boiler and Pressure
document for requirements and “mentions” the EPA Prevention Program Vessel Components in the Creep Range
process safety regulatory requirements only when the differences from the Maan H. Jawad and Robert I. Jetter
OSHA regulation are “significant.” After taking this course, participants should 240 pp ISBN: 9780791802847
feel confident that they will be able to prevent or mitigate disasters related to Print Book Member $72 / List price $90
process safety and risk management. Order Number: 802847
Digital Book List price $90
Each participant will receive the textbook Guidelines for Risk Based Order Number: 80284Q
Process Safety (published by Wiley for AIChE’s Center for Chemical
Process Safety).
Development of Reliability-Based Load and Resistance
You Will Learn To Factor Design (LRFD) Methods for Piping
• Describe how to meet the requirements of OSHA PSM Standard Prepared by the ASME Special Working Group
on Probabilistic Methods in Design Endorsed by ASME
29CFR 1910.119 Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Committees ASME Research
• Identify the significant differences (from OSHA) in the EPA Prevention Committee on Risk Technology
Program 40CFR Chapter 1, Part 68 process safety regulatory 180 pp ISBN: 0-7918-0262-0
• Explain the part individuals and groups play in setting the “Culture” of Member $48.59 / List price $61
Order Number: 802620
process safety management and risk evaluation and decision-making in
the day-to-day “real world”
• Describe what a Mechanical Engineer is expected to do to ensure that Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Handbook:
Process Safety Management programs and Risk Management concepts Applications, Analysis and Measurement
are put into effect in his or her company and/or facility (GDT-HDBK - 2009)
• Explain how to apply Recognized And Generally Accepted Good James D. Meadows
Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) in implementing an effective and 560 pp ISBN: 9780971440166
compliant PSM and Risk Management program Print Book Member $102.99 / List price $129
Order Number: 802166
Who Should Attend Digital Book List price $129
Engineers from a variety of disciplines including new and experienced Order Number: 80216Q
front line mechanical engineers responsible for design, maintenance,
manufacturing or supervision; managers and engineers responsible for Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section VIII
regulatory compliance, auditors (for regulatory and/or company policy Pressure Vessels, Fourth Edition (2010)
compliance); insurance inspectors; compliance program managers and James R. Farr and Maan H. Jawad
engineers; as well as plant managers and department managers along
with corporate process safety support staff 344 pp ISBN: 9780791859520
Print Book Member $75 / List price $94
Order Number: 859520
Instructor Adrian L. Sepeda
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $1,895 / List Price $1,995