Page 82 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
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BPV Code, Section IX: Welding, Brazing               Practical Welding
        and Fusing Qualifications                            Technology

        PD190  ASME STANDARDS COURSE                         PD359
        This is a basic course that instructs attendees how to comply with the   This course is designed for individuals seeking to expand their
        requirements of ASME Section IX, Welding, Brazing and Fusing    core competence on the subject of welding. Designers, inspectors,
        Qualifications. Participants gain a working knowledge of ASME Section   managers or welders with a need to understand the fundamentals
        IX.  A review of the welding processes and variables – along with a   of welding will also benefit from the practical aspects of welding
        review of basic welding metallurgy – is conducted to provide all    technology presented in this course. This is the course that should have
        participants with sufficient background in welding technology.  been part of your college curricula.
        This background knowledge is essential in order for participants to    In-class exercises are employed to reinforce class lectures on the
        interpret Section IX effectively.                    subjects of welding and NDE symbols, carbon equivalence, heat
                                                             input, A-numbers, calculated strength of welds, joint details, welding
        The mechanics of using Section IX and how to address its requirements
        and its relationship with other code sections is explained in a simple,   procedures as well as selection of filler metals, determining preheat
        straightforward manner. Emphasis is placed on qualifying procedures    requirements and reviewing a WPS for code compliance.
        in a cost-effective manner and on writing welding procedures that    Participants receive a course notebook, a copy of Modern Welding
        contribute positively to the manufacturing process. The requirements    Technology, 6th Edition along with a copy of AWS A3.0 Standard
        for qualification of welders, brazers and operators are examined, with   Welding Terms.
        particular emphasis on minimizing the cost and maximizing the
        usefulness of qualifications.                        You Will Learn To
     WELDING Public Courses  You Will Learn To               •  Explain basic ferrous welding metallurgy
                                                             • Explain welding terms and definitions
        Time is provided to address individual participants’ problems and concerns.
                                                             •   Explain how to properly specify various weld types and
                                                              nondestructive testing using standard AWS welding symbols
        All attendees receive the current edition of BPVC Section IX – Welding,
        Brazing and Fusing Qualifications codebook.
                                                             •   Describe post-weld heat treatments, residual stresses, and distortion
        •   Explain how Section IX is organized and how to locate requirements
                                                             •   Explain welding processes typically used to fabricate pressure vessels
         for welding, brazing and fusing qualifications
                                                              and piping systems
        •   Consider the metallurgy and welding process knowledge that forms
                                                             •   Explain the interrelationship between AWS, ASME and API codes and
         the basis for the rules for welding qualifications
                                                              standards as they relate to pressure vessels, piping systems
        •   Formulate and write practical and instructive welding, brazing and
                                                              and related facilities
         plastic fusing procedures that are compliant with Section IX
                                                             •  Explain Welding Procedure and performance qualification
        •  Determine and confirm welder performance qualifications that are
                                                              documentation and methodology applicable to pressure vessels
         compliant with Section IX
                                                              and piping systems
        •  Review welding documentation for compliance with Section IX
                                                             •  Explain common weld defects, causes, and corrective actions
                                                             •  Identify major considerations when designing a weld
        Who Should Attend                                    •  Identify common NDT used to examine welds
        Mechanical and welding engineers, quality control personnel, welding   •   Identify the elements of a cohesive welding program that includes
        supervisors, inspectors as well as project managers   design, purchasing, fabrication, inspections, and delivery
        INSTRUCTOR Walter J. Sperko                          Who Should Attend
        3 DAYS, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                            Managers, engineers, production and maintenance staff, inspectors,
        MEMBER $2,150 / List Price $2,250                    welders and others who are involved with welding of pressure vessels,
                                                             piping systems and related facilities
        Also available as Online Instructor-Supported Course: EL516, “BPV
        Code, Section IX: Welding, Brazing Qualifications.”   Special Requirements
                                                             Participants should be prepared for extended class time as well as bring
                                                             a calculator and several pencils or a mechanical pencil to class.
                                                             INSTRUCTOR Albert Moore or W. Greg Morris
                                                             4 DAYS, 3.0 CEUs, 30 PDHs
                                                             MEMBER $2,295 / List Price $2,450

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