Page 86 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
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Ted Anderson, Ph.D., P.E., chief technology officer at Quest Bruce Chehroudi, Ph.D., is an award-winning engineer/scientist/R&D
Integrity Group, is a world-renowned expert in fracture mechanics manager. He has nearly twenty years experience in automotive,
and fitness-for-service methods. He is the author of a best-selling aerospace, energy, environment, nanotechnology and medicine. He
book on fracture mechanics, which has been adopted as a required has worked at Raytheon STX, Ford, Air Force Research Laboratory,
text in over 100 universities worldwide. He was instrumental in the Princeton University, General Motors and NASA. He has been a
development of the original API 579 Fitness-for-Service document technical and R&D consultant for organizations such as Honda
and continues to be active on the joint API/ASME Fitness-for-Service R&D, Honeywell, NASA, GE, Boeing, TRW, General Motors, Amgen
Committee. He founded Structural Reliability Technology (SRT) in and GlaxoSmithKline. Chehroudi earned a Ph.D. in mechanical &
1995, which was acquired by the Quest Integrity Group in 2007. aerospace engineering, and was a post-doctoral fellow at Princeton
Previously, he was a member of the mechanical engineering faculty at University and was awarded an MS in mechanical engineering
Texas A&M University. Prior to that he was a senior research engineer from Southern Methodist University and an MS in economics and
at The Welding Institute in Cambridge, England. He received a PhD in management from Swiss Finance Institute. He has more than 150
metallurgy from the Colorado School of Mines. publications and patents.
George Antaki, P.E., Becht Engineering, is internationally recognized Derrick Chevalier is an internationally acclaimed consultant with
for his expertise in design, analysis and fitness-for-service evaluation more than 21 years’ experience who has facilitated hundreds of
of pressure equipment and piping systems. Antaki is chair of ASME seminars and workshops throughout the United States, Canada,
B31 Mechanical Design Committee, chair of ASME III Working Group Mexico and elsewhere. He has consulted and worked with
Piping Design, member of the ASME III Subgroup Component Design, engineers, technical professionals, project managers, and business
ASME QME and ASME Operation and Maintenance Subgroup Piping. development executives from a wide range of disciplines and areas,
He is the author of three textbooks on pressure equipment design including electrical, mechanical, bridge maintenance, aerospace,
and integrity evaluation, including Fitness-for-Service for Piping, transportation, manufacturing, Information technology, bio-chemistry,
Vessels, and Tanks. Antaki earned his degree in nuclear engineering pharmaceuticals, nutrition, real estate, finance and accounting.
from the University of Liege, and was awarded an MS in mechanical
engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. Alan Cline, PMP, PMI-ACP, is a consultant and agile iteration coach,
and president of Carolla Development, a project management
consulting company. He has been in the software industry for
Bryan R. Becker, Ph.D., P.E., is a professor and previous chair of the
INSTRUCTOR PROFILES Becker is widely published and a fellow of ASME, ASHRAE and internationally. Cline is currently writing a book on agile practices
about 35 years. He holds an Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)
Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Missouri-
and a Project Management Professional (PMP) credential from the
Kansas City. He has taught courses in refrigeration, heating and
air-conditioning, thermal analysis, and computational fluid dynamics.
PMI. He teaches BA, PM, PMP-prep classes, and ACP-prep classes
IIR. He has directed the graduate research of master and doctoral
for those new to agile so that they can deliver software predictably
with unusually low defect rates. Previously, Cline was the director
students. He has served on the Research and Technical Committee,
the Refrigeration Committee, the Technical Activities Committee,
of Software Engineering for Flairsoft Federal. He was the software
engineering lead and iteration coach for a $3.3M agile project at
the Handbook Committee, and the Conferences and Expositions
Committee. He has also served on ASHRAE Technical Committees
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He was a lecturer at Ohio State
University, and the AVP of Nationwide’s Requirements Center of
4.2, 4.10, 8.6, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.9 and 11.5. He has chaired TC 10.9,
TC 11.5 and the Technical Activities Committee.
Excellence. He earned his MS in physics and BS in mathematics.
John Blanton is chief consulting engineer, Heat Transfer, for GE
Energy. With over 30 years’ engineering design and analysis
Associates, a training and development consulting firm, dedicated
experience in industrial and aircraft engines with GE Research, GE
to assist organizations and individuals achieve their highest level
Aviation and GE Energy, his work has included leadership of industrial
of performance excellence. Previously he was vice president of
training and development for Citicorp and also served as manager of
gas turbine alternative fuels research programs, including industrial Gary Dichtenberg is the president of Professional Development
gas turbine compressor design and SCRAMjet propulsion system management development at Consolidated Edison, where he directed
studies. For the past 20 years his work has focused on gas turbine a broad developmental strategy. He is a member of the commercial
heat transfer and thermal management. He is an active member of panel of the American Arbitration Association, the Network of
ASME and AIAA and serves on several IGTI technical committees. Organizational Development practitioners and the American Society
for Training and Development. He holds a BA degree in history from
Robert D. Blevins, Ph.D., is a member of the ASME Special Working Hofstra University. He holds a M.S in organizational psychology from
Group on Structural Dynamics and the Pressure Vessel Research Columbia University and an MSW from Yeshiva University.
Council’s Committee on Dynamic Analysis of Pressure Components.
Blevins has more than 25 years’ experience in flow-induced vibration. Paul Drake developed the successful application of Six Sigma
Having earned a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology, he mechanical processes at Raytheon Systems Company, where he
is a frequent consultant to government and industry. Blevins is the co-managed the Mechanical Tolerancing and Performance Sigma
author of three books and over 30 papers on fluid flow, structural Center for Excellence. Drake is an ASME certified senior level
dynamics and flow-induced vibration. geometric dimensioning and tolerancing professional, a registered
professional engineer and has earned a Six Sigma black belt.
Greg W. Brown, Ph.D., is principal consulting engineer and general
manager of Advanced Engineering for the Quest Integrity Group. In Philip D. Flenner, P.E., has spent nearly 40 years in welding
2001, he joined Ted Anderson at Structural Reliability Technology, qualifications and training, engineering training, power plant
which later became part of Quest Integrity Group. Previously, he maintenance and performance assessment. He has developed
developed algorithms to update industrial finite element models several guidelines on material control, repair methods and the use
using experimental measurements and performed flutter analyses of codes and standards for the power industry. He participates
of F16 and F18 fighter aircraft. Anderson, Brown and the engineers significantly on several piping codes, welding qualification codes and
at Structural Reliability Technology performed much of the work that materials codes, and has gained the honor of being named an ASME
was incorporated into API 579. He currently performs computational fellow. Flenner has participated in industry research on the effects
mechanics and CFD analyses, specializing in litigation and failure of PWHT on ASME materials, and has played significant roles in
analysis. His group performs Fitness-for-Service assessments for a sponsoring changes in ASME Code requirements covering preheating
variety of industries using API 579. Brown also develops specialized and PWHT.
software and methodologies for structural analysis and life assessment.