Page 88 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
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William S. Janna Ph.D., is a professor of mechanical engineering   William Koves, Ph.D., P.E., is an ASME fellow with over 40 years’
       at the University of Memphis, where he has taught for nearly 25   experience in the design and analysis of pressure equipment.
       years. He earned his BS, MS, and PhD degrees from the University   His ASME and PVRC committee involvement includes ASME B31
       of Toledo. Previously, Janna worked at the University of New Orleans   Mechanical Design Technical Committee (current chair), ASME B31.3
       for 11 years, including four years’ service as chair of the Mechanical   Process Piping Committee (past chair), ASME Post Construction
       Engineering Department. He has written three textbooks, including   (PC) Subcommittee on Flaw Evaluation (past chair), ASME (PC)
       Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Heat Transfer and   Standards Committee and Subcommittee on Repair, ASME Boiler
       Design of Fluid Thermal Systems, and has written numerous research   and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Subcommittee on Design Analysis,
       papers as well as been a contributing editor to several handbooks.   ASME BPV Subcommittee on Elevated Temperature Design, ASME
       Janna serves as a textbook reviewer for Applied Mechanical Reviews.  Special Working Group on Bolted Flange Joints, Pressure Vessel
                                                              Research Council (PVRC) (past vice chair), PVRC Committee on Piping
       Hugo Julien, P.Eng., began his career in pressure equipment and   and Nozzles, PVRC Committee on Elevated Temperature Design
       storage tanks as designer and quality manager at HC Vidal Ltd.,   (past chair), and PVRC Subcommittee on Shell Intersections (past
       and later as quality systems manager at Xebec, Inc. Since 2007, he   chair). Koves is author of over 30 publications; a recipient of many
       has served as mechanical integrity advisor at GCM Consultants. An   committee, society and company awards; and holder of 24 patents.
       active ASME/CSA member, he is also a certified API 510, API 570,
       API 571 and CSA W178.2 Level II (CSA B31.3, ASME W47.1/W59, and   Robert Krieger is a consultant in the elevator industry and a provider
       CSA Z662) inspector. Julien graduated from l’Ecole Polytechnique de   and facilitator of educational and administrative services to employers
       Montréal with a degree in mechanical engineering, specializing    participating in vertical transportation education programs including
       in manufacturing.                                      the National Association of Elevator Contractors Educational
                                                              Certification Programs. He has over 25 years’ experience in the
       Robert Kauer (Dipl.-Ing., Dr.-Ing.), received his engineering degree   conveyance industry, first as a mechanic and then as an inspector
       at the Technische Universität of München in 1991. Since earning his   for the city of Los Angeles and the state of California. He is also an
       degrees, he has been working in the field of pressure vessel and   American Red Cross certified instructor in first aid, CPR with AED for
       piping technology, starting as an R&D engineer at the Institute of   adult, child and infant. Krieger holds certification as a CET-S with the
       Pressure Vessel and Piping Design, Experimental Stress Analysis and   National Association of Elevator Contractors, QEI with the National
       Plant Engineering in Munich. Currently, Dr. Kauer is responsible for   Association of Elevator Safety Authorities International, journeyman
     INSTRUCTOR PROFILES  national and international projects related to design, fitness-for-  David E. Lay, BA, MBA, is the director of training for Hytorc, the
       Consulting Projects for the Oil & Gas, the Chemical and the Power
                                                              mechanic and NEIEP instructor with the International Union of Elevator
       Plant Industry related to Fitness for Service, Asset Integrity and
                                                              Constructors and certified biomedical equipment technician with
       Process Safety Excellence at TÜV SÜD Industry Service in Munich.
                                                              clinical lab specialty with International Union of Operating Engineers.
       Throughout his service at TÜV SÜD Dr. Kauer has handled various
       service, structural integrity and inspection program development
                                                              largest manufacturer of hydraulic bolting tools. He has been involved
                                                              in teaching both the theoretical and practical aspects of heavy
       for nuclear and non-nuclear applications in pressure vessel and
       piping technology. He is a member of various national and European
                                                              industrial bolting since 1992, and has been involved in corporate
                                                              training for 25 years. He is author of several multimedia courses
                                                              that have been adopted as teaching standards for union apprentice
       James D. Keith is the vice chair of the Committee for the ASME
                                                              programs in the millwright and pipefitter trades across North
       Y14.43 Standard for Gages & Fixtures. He has extensive experience
                                                              America. He brings a practical view of complex problems that can be
       teaching all aspects of geometric dimensioning & tolerancing and
       related topics. Keith has worked in a variety of capacities in the field
                                                              of quantitative review. Lay is a member of ASME’s Post-Construction
       of GD&T with over 40 years’ experience in structural, mechanical
                                                              Standards Committee and Bolted Flange Joint Subcommittee, which
       and electrical design/checking, and manufacturing. His experience
                                                              recently created the PCC-1-2010 Guidelines for Pressure Vessel
       includes more than 30 years’ GD&T (ASME/ISO), design checking   understood by workers and non-engineers, yet withstands the rigors
                                                              Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly document.
       and blue print reading course development and instruction of at the
       industry and college level. In addition to his service on the ASME   Robert Allan Leishear, Ph.D., P.E., is an ASME fellow and a consulting
       Y14.43 Committee, Keith is a also a member of the ASME Y14.3/4   engineer for Leishear Engineering, LLC. His accomplishments focused
       Committee (orthographic and pictorial views), ASME Y14.5 Committee   on fluid flow, piping design, vibrations, failure analysis and fluid
       (Dimensioning and Tolerancing), ASME Y14.8 Committee (Forging and   machinery, as well as explosions in piping systems. He has extensive
       Casting), ASME Y14.36 Committee (Surface Texture), ASME Y14.45   experience in research, design engineering, test engineering
       Committee (Measurement Data Reporting), ASME Y14/B89 Joint   and plant engineering. Leishear has taught courses on vibration
       Working Group (Definition of Engineering Measurements) as well   analysis, pumps, piping and fluid mechanics to ensure safety and
       as ASME B89.4.21 Practical CMM Applications. Keith is the owner of   cut costs by analyzing and preventing failures of plant machinery
       Critical Concepts, a consulting and prototype manufacturing shop.  and piping systems. He has served on several ASME Committees,
                                                              and is currently a member of the ASME B31.3 Committee Subgroup
       Medhat Khalil, Ph.D., is the Director of Professional Education &   on Design, the ASME B31 Mechanical Design Committee, the ASME
       Research Development at the Applied Technology Center, Milwaukee   Section VIII Task Group on Impulsively Loaded Vessels, and the
       School of Engineering.  He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical   B31.3 Process Piping Committee. Currently, he is matriculating in the
       Engineering and his Post-Doctoral Industrial Research Fellowship at   University of South Carolina’s PhD program for Nuclear Engineering.
       Concordia University in in Montréal. He has been certified by and is   Dr. Leishear has also written more than 50 research publications,
       a member of many institutions, such as the International Fluid Power   which includes the ASME textbook, Fluid Mechanics, Water Hammer,
       Society (IFPS), where he is also a board member; the National Fluid   Dynamic Stresses, and Piping Design.
       Power Association (NFPA); and a member and professional instructor
       of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Medhat has a   Bill Lowry, P.E. has 44 years’ experience working in the design of
       vast working experience in the field of mechanical engineering and   industrial steam and power generation facilities. He has operated
       more specifically hydraulics, having developed and taught fluid power   a municipal steam-electric generation plant, including a unit he
       system training courses for industry professionals, being familiar   designed. Recently retired, Lowry remains a consultant for power
       with the technological developments in the field of fluid power and   and steam projects. He is currently a member of ASME Code
       motion control and the production program of the leading fluid power   Subcommittee I-Power Boilers and has over 42 years of active ASME
       companies. He has also designed several hydraulic systems based   Code committee membership. Lowry recently completed an editorial
       on ISO-Standard and developed several analytical and educational   rewrite of the ASME Code VII-Recommended Guidelines for the Care
       software.                                              of Power Boilers.
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