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William K. (Ken) Sowder, Ph.D., is a senior consultant to the nuclear   David Thornton, P.E., principal engineer and technical advisor, Equity
        industry. He works with manufacturers and suppliers to develop   Engineering Group, has over 35 years’ experience as a specialist
        management systems which meet the requirements of codes and   in pressure vessel, piping, and tank design/analysis. He is both an
        standards such as ASME NQA-1-2008, ISO 9001: 2008 and IAEA   owner-user, and a consultant, providing engineering support to
        GS-R-3. Sowder worked for the ITER Project on-site in France from   refineries and chemical plants worldwide. Currently with the Equity
        2004–2007 as responsible officer and division head for ITER Quality   Engineering Group, his work has included mechanical engineering
        Assurance, and from 2008–2009 as expert contractor reporting to   quality control for a $500 million clean fuels expansion of a Middle
        the ITER’s director general and deputy director general of safety and   East refinery, FFS evaluations, fracture mechanics evaluations, high
        security. He helped develop the ITER interfaces with international   temperature creep analysis and life assessment, fatigue, structural
        organizations such as IAEA, JSME and ISO. In addition, he works with   reliability and risk assessment, etc. He is also responsible for training
        code and standard writing organizations such as ASME, JSME and   engineers and inspectors in API Fitness-For-Service API 579-1/ASME
        IAEA. He is a member of Section III Committees, NQA-1 Committees,   FFS-1, Pressure Vessel Design, and Piping Design and Analysis.
        the ISO 9001 TC 176 US TAG and is an ASME BNCS member.  Thornton serves as a member of the joint API/ASME technical
                                                              committee responsible for the development of FFS assessment
        Walter J. Sperko, P.E., is president of Sperko Engineering Services,   techniques. He earned his BS in civil engineering at Drexel University
        Inc., a consulting firm specializing in metal fabrication technology. He   and his MS in theoretical and applied mechanics at Cornell University.
        is chair of ASME Standards Committee IX and a member of several
        of its subgroups; a member of ASME Standards Committee III and its   Randy Wacker, P.E., has over 35 years’ experience in the design,
        Subgroup on Materials, Fabrication and Examination; a member of the   specification, maintenance and troubleshooting of process
        ASME B31 Standards Committee; and past chair of AWS International   equipment. This includes working in various capacities for 20 years
        Standards Activities Committee, which represents the US at meetings   in three DuPont Petrochemical Plants, plus an additional 13 years
        of ISO/TC44, Welding and Allied Processes and a member of AWS   as a consultant in the DuPont Engineering Technology, Process
        Technical Activities Committee. He is a professional engineer   Equipment Group. Wacker is currently the senior consultant for
        registered in several states and holds five US patents.  Inertech, Inc., where he specifies leak-tight gasket solutions for
                                                              bolted flange connections and various types of process equipment.
        C. (Raj) Sundararajan has spent more than 25 years analyzing and   He is a committee member of the ASME Special Working Group
        designing mechanical components, equipment, piping, and structures   for Bolted Flange Connections, ASTM F03 on Gaskets, and the
        subjected to dynamic forces. Currently president of EDA Consultants,   SAE AMS Aerospace G9 Committee on Sealing. Wacker is also a
        he has held senior technical positions at an architect-engineering   founding member of the Task Group that developed the ASME Bolting
        company, an equipment vendor and a consulting firm. The author of   Specialist Qualification Program, the author of ASME PVP 2008-61410,
        more than 50 technical papers and reports, Sundararajan received   and has recently published five magazine articles discussing bolted
        the ASME Best Paper Award in 1986.                    flange connections.

        Rick Swayne is a senior consultant with Reedy Engineering. He   Ed Wilcox is a staff machinery engineer with the Energy Technology
        has worked in many different areas of the nuclear power industry   Company (ETC) of Chevron. Previously he worked for Conoco   INSTRUCTOR PROFILES
        for over 20 years. Swayne has experience in design, fabrication,   and Lyondell Chemical as a machinery engineer. He has a BS in
        quality assurance, inservice inspection, and repair, replacement and   mechanical engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla and
        modification activities.                              a BS from Oklahoma State University. Wilcox is a Vibration Institute
                                                              category IV vibration specialist and a registered professional engineer
        John P. Swezy, Jr., has over 35 years’ experience in steam and   in Oklahoma.
        combustion driven prime mover electrical generation plants and
        associated engineering auxiliary systems, and over 20 years’ in   Bob Wilson is an engineering consultant with TWD Technologies
        developing and implementing detailed procedures, work instructions,   in Burlington, Ontario, Canada and former engineering professor
        and QC programs for design, welded fabrication, repairs, and   at Sheridan College. He is a member of the B31.1 Power Piping
        alterations of pressure equipment following ASME, B31, NBIC, API,   Section Sub Group on Design. Wilson has taught piping design and
        DOT and various International codes and standards. He also has   engineering courses for 30 years. He has been involved with the
        extensive experience in the area of nondestructive examination.   design, analysis, layout and support of piping systems since 1963,
        Swezy has been a member of various ASME codes and standards   with petrochemical, power, steel, mining and processing companies in
        committees since 1996. He is a National Board commissioned boiler   North America and Europe and is currently working as a piping stress
        and pressure vessel inspector and an American Welding Society   engineer with experience in Caesar II, Caepipe and Autopipe analysis
        certified welding inspector (CWI). He is recognized for his expertise   programs. Wilson is the author of Detail Engineering and Layout of
        with the ASME Code rules of Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 as they   Piping Systems and is former chair of ASME’s Ontario Section.
        apply to toughness, fabrication, and examination of pressure vessels.
        He is past chair of the Subgroup on Toughness, newly elected as chair   Andrew Wolosik is the piping lead designer with Teng & Associates
        of the Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination, and member of the   in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. He has over 14 years’ experience in
        Standards Committee for Pressure Vessels. He is also a member of   the oil and gas refining and petrochemical industries. He has worked
        the Standards Committee for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing; the ASME   for world class EPCM companies, such as Bechtel/Bantrel and AMEC,
        B31 Piping Standards Committee; and is chair of the B31 Fabrication   where he has been involved in plant layout for large to small projects,
        and Examination Technical Committee.  Swezy was presented the   including assignments in the United Kingdom and China. Wolosik has
        ASME Dedicated Service Award in 2013.                 extensive experience in CAD coordination, estimating, 3D modeling,
                                                              plant layout and 3D model design reviews, and has worked with and
                                                              managed Autoplant and PDS software systems. Additionally, he is Six
                                                              Sigma certified.
                                                              Carl Zweben, Ph.D., has over 40 years’ commercial and aerospace
                                                              experience in composite materials technology. He pioneered a
                                                              wide range of commercial and aerospace composite applications,
                                                              including machine components, thermal management, micoelectronic
                                                              and optoelectronic packaging, spacecraft and aircraft structures,
                                                              automobiles, wind turbines, pressure vessels and weapon systems.

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