Page 90 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
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Scott Neumann is a senior partner in Technical Consultants Inc. failure investigations, stress analyses of buried pipelines subjected
He specializes in geometric tolerancing and tolerance stack-up to geotechnical and live loadings, fitness for service evaluations
and analysis. He is also an expert in measurement and inspection for pipelines affected by various degraded conditions, developed
techniques. Neumann presents geometric tolerancing training technical procedures for integrity management planning, and carried
programs to engineering, manufacturing and quality personnel at out industry-funded research on pipeline damage mechanisms.
major corporations in the US and around the world. He was a major Rosenfeld is a current member of the ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission
contributor to the Geometric Tolerancing Applications with Stacks & Distribution Piping Section Committee, the ASME B31 Mechanical
Workbook and the Geometric Tolerancing Stacks and Analysis Design Technical Committee, the ASME B31 Standards Committee,
Workbook. He has also co-authored a book and coproduced a and the ASME Board of Pressure Technology Codes & Standards. He
DVD video series to the ASME Y14.5-2009 standard, Geo Tol Pro: A was the primary author of the 2009 major revision to ASME B31G, is
Practical Guide to Geometric Tolerancing. He is a member of ASME an ASME fellow. He has authored numerous papers and articles on
and a senior level ASME certified, geometric dimensioning and pipeline-related subjects.
tolerancing professional. He represents the US in the International
Standards Organization, ISO TC10 committee. He regularly attends C. Wesley Rowley, P.E., has over 40 years’ experience in the nuclear,
the ASME Y14.5 subcommittee on dimensioning and tolerancing, and fossil and hydro power industries. He has provided technical and
is also a member on the ASME Y14.45, Measurement Data Reporting management support services to nuclear utilities, the US Department
committee. Neumann graduated from University of Florida with a of Energy, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Electric
degree in mechanical engineering. Power Research Institute. Rowley’s technical experience includes
pre-operational startup testing, equipment testing and qualification,
James Payne, P.E., established JPAC Inc. in 1981 to provide inservice testing (including RI-IST), containment testing, codes and
mechanical engineering consulting services, specializing in bolted standards compliance as well as maintenance plans development
flanged joints and gaskets. Previously with Exxon Research & Eng. and implementation. Rowley is an ASME codes and standards expert.
Co., he engaged in the mechanical design and troubleshooting of He was chair of the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes & Standards
piping systems and pressure vessels and participated in 12 plant (VP-NC&S), and has held several positions in ASME Operations and
start-ups around the world. He has been active in the bolted joint Maintenance Committee, Post Construction Committee and Boiler
and gasket activities of the PVRC, ASTM and ASME, is a contributing Pressure Vessel Committee.
INSTRUCTOR PROFILES which is responsible for the standard “PCC-1 Guidelines for Bolted in 1987. Prior to starting consulting firm, Roy was employed with
author to Gaskets and Gasketed Joints (Ed: J. Bickford, Marcel
Ranjit Roy, Ph.D., is an internationally known consultant and trainer
Dekker, 1998) and a founding member of the ASME Special Working
of quality engineering techniques. He is the president of engineering
Group on Bolted Flanged Joints. Payne is also a member of the Post
quality and training company Nutek, Inc., which he established
Construction (PCC) and its Subcommittee on Flanged Joint Assembly,
General Motors (1976-1987) at their Technical Center in Warren,
Flanged Joint Assembly”.
Michigan where he served in various engineering responsibilities.
He is the author of two textbooks on the Taguchi Method of quality
Brian E. Porter, P.E., PMP., has over a decade of experience in project
management, product development, engineering, safety listings,
improvement and of Qulitek-4 software for design and analysis of
patents, business strategy and start-up management in computer
Taguchi experiments. Roy is a fellow of the American Society for
Quality and an adjunct professor at Oakland University in Rochester,
sales, consumer products, hazardous waste industry, industrial
manufacturing and retail product markets. He has multiple patents
Michigan. He is listed in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World.
within the US and numerous patents pending both domestically
and internationally. Porter is a member of the Project Management
Mechanics Team, part of the Nuclear Design and Risk Analysis Group
Institute and has credentials as a project management professional
in the Decision Applications Division of the Los Alamos National
(PMP) and is seeking his PgMP in the near future. His international
Laboratory. Prior to joining LANL, Salmon served as a principal
efforts include working with firms in China, Canada, Mexico, Romania,
engineer at EQE Incorporated in Costa Mesa, California, for seven
Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Israel, Great Britain, Michael W. Salmon is the team leader for the Probabilistic Structural
Egypt, Italy and Germany. He holds a BS in chemical engineering from years. Before that, he was employed as a staff engineer at ABB/
the University of Illinois at Chicago and a MS in management with Impell Incorporated and SMA/NTS in Southern California where
specialty in project management from Boston University. he participated in a number of probabilistic risk assessments of
commercial nuclear power plants for external events. Salmon has
A.S. (Abdulla) Rangwala, P.E., is a 30-year veteran in mechanical extensive experience in seismic risk assessment, dynamic analysis
design and structural dynamics of compressors and gas turbines of structures and components and structural and component fragility
for aircraft engines, and steam and gas turbines for power plant analysis. He is currently serving as the chair of ASCE’s Dynamic
applications. Currently technical director of the Machinery Dynamics Analysis of Nuclear Structures Technical Committee. He holds a BS
Group of the Center for Engineering Technology, Rangwala is the in civil/structural engineering from Purdue University, a MS in civil/
author of the book, Turbo Machinery Dynamic, Design and Operation. structural engineering from the University of Illinois, and an MBA from
He was also adjunct professor at Cincinnati State Technical College. Long Beach State University. Salmon is the author of several research
and conference papers.
Rita M. Rizzo has over 22 years’ experience as a training facilitator
and consultant. Her consulting company is dedicated to helping Adrian L. Sepeda, P.E., has spent 33 years in the chemical industry
small and medium sized organizations enhance their ability to recruit, gaining experience in a variety of areas. He retired from Occidental
inspire and retain quality employees and improve performance Chemical Corporation (OxyChem) in 2002 as its director of health,
through training. She also provides training design and delivery environment, and safety risk management. In that position, he was
services to training companies, the training departments of large responsible for process safety, risk management, and accident
companies and trade and professional associations. investigations for OxyChem’s worldwide operations. After retiring,
Sepeda established his own consulting firm, A.L. Sepeda Consulting
Michael J. Rosenfeld, P.E., is chief engineer with Kiefner/Applus- Inc., which specializes in process safety and risk management
RTD in Columbus, Ohio. He holds a BS in mechanical engineering — teaching, leading, and doing. His client base includes large
from the University of Michigan and a MS in mechanical engineering corporations and small, single operations. He has taught classes and
from Carnegie-Mellon University. Rosenfeld’s career has focused on rendered services in several countries in addition to the US. Sepeda
oil and gas pipeline integrity since joining Kiefner & Associates, Inc. earned his BS in mechanical rngineering from Lamar University in
(KAI) as senior structural engineer in 1991. He served as president Beaumont, Texas and has held a PE license in Texas for over 38 years.
from 2001 to 2011. While at KAI, he performed numerous pipeline He is also a life member of ASME and a CCPS Emeritus member.