Page 45 - JR0943 - Corporate Plan 2020_Eng_Web
P. 45


                  Considering how the public body’s well-being objectives
                  may impact upon each of the well-being goals, on their other

                  objectives, or on the objectives of other public bodies.

                  How does this Strategic Aim contribute to the Five Ways of Working?

                  Enhancing our IT Systems and business processes across the organisation and
                  integrating this into the way we work, will improve the service we give to our communities.

                  It will also help integration with other blue light services and partners, to provide a more
                  seamless approach to the wider public service delivery.


                  Acting in collaboration with any other person (or different

                  parts of the body itself) that could help the body to meet its
                  well-being objectives.

                  How does this Strategic Aim contribute to the Five Ways of Working?

                  Working with partner organisations and third parties, sharing best practice and increasing
                  interoperability, will help embed continuous improvement for both ourselves and others,
                  whilst ensuring only the highest level of service is provided to our communities.


                  The importance of involving people with an interest in

                  achieving the well-being goals and ensuring that those
                  people reflect the diversity of the area which the body serves.

                  How does this Strategic Aim contribute to the Five Ways of Working?
                  Creating forums that provide access for all, will ensure collective involvement and decision
                  making about our future ways of working.

                  Using this collective wisdom from within and outside of the organisation, will ensure we
                  keep focussed on both our people’s and public’s needs.

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