Page 360 - Handbook of Modern Telecommunications
P. 360

Network Management and Administration                                     3-151

    Resource Trouble Management Process
            Resource Trouble Management is an essential part of the Assessment end-to-end process group.
              Resource Trouble Management processes are responsible for the management of troubles with allo-
            cated resources. The objectives of these processes are to report resource failures, isolate the root causes,
            and act to resolve them.
              Principal processes and functions are:

              •   Survey and Analyze Resource Trouble: This process takes care of the monitoring of resources
                 in real time by resource failure event analysis, alarm correlation, and filtering as well as failure
                 event detection and reporting. Responsibilities of these processes include, but are not limited to,
                 Resource failure event analysis, alarm correlation and filtering, and failure event detection and
                 reporting. The alarm correlation in particular aims at the matching of redundant, transient, or
                 implied events to a specific root cause event.
              •   Localize Resource Trouble: This process is responsible for finding the root cause of resource trou-
                 ble, which can be done using the following methods: verification of resource configuration for the
                 targeted service features, performing resource diagnostics, running resource tests, and schedul-
                 ing resource tests.
              •   Correct and Recover Resource Trouble: Failed resources are either restored or replaced by this
                 process. These processes are also responsible for isolating a unit with a fault and managing the
                 redundant resource units (e.g., hot standby). They will also report successful restoration or an
                 unsuccessful attempt at restoration to cooperating processes.
              •   Track and Manage Resource Trouble: This process monitors the progress of the repair activities in
                 the previous process.
              •   Report Resource Trouble: This process reports changes in resource troubles to other interested
                 processes (e.g., Service Trouble Management).
              •   Close Trouble Report: To close a trouble report, this process verifies the successful elimination of
                 the problem. This includes ensuring appropriate measures will be taken in order to prevent simi-
                 lar resource troubles from occurring in the future. It also includes interaction with the Resource
                 Trouble processes for reporting purposes.
              Event and alarm correlation are core components, as well as integrated impact analysis.

    Resource Performance Management Process
            Resource  Performance  Management  processes  encompass  monitoring,  analyzing,  controlling,  and
            reporting  on  the  performance  of  resources.  They  work  with  basic  information  received  from  the
            Resource Data Collection and Processing processes.
              Principal processes are:
              •   Monitor Resource Performance: These processes monitors received resource performance infor-
                 mation. These processes monitor normal performance, and will also apply appropriate thresholds
                 against resource performance. If a performance threshold is crossed, a resource trouble report
                 will be instituted and handled through the Resource Trouble Management processes.
              •   Analyze Resource Performance: These processes analyze and evaluate received resource perfor-
                 mance information and report the findings of this analysis. This also includes further analy-
                 sis of the performance anomalies identified by the Monitor Resource Performance processes.
                 Resource  fault  conditions  will  be  detected  by  the  Resource  Trouble  Management  processes.
                 However these processes, while still impacting service quality, may not detect intermittent fault
                 conditions in multiple resources. The Analyze Resource Performance processes determine the
                 overall quality, using specific measurements in order to detect service quality degradations.
                 They may also detect degradation trends before the resource performance has dropped below
                 an acceptable level.
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