Page 449 - Handbook of Modern Telecommunications
P. 449
3-240 CRC Handbook of Modern Telecommunications, Second Edition
TABl E 3.9.1 Comparison of Signaling Sensory versus Packet-Flow Sensory Approaches (Continued)
Signaling Sensory Monitoring Packet-Flow Sensory Monitoring
Primary Troubleshooting Call Trace: Focused on TDM-based voice Protocol Decode / Packet Analysis /
Features traffic and IP data session setup and tear Payload Analysis: Ability to study structure
down. Content of the voice session is not and payload of packets in the IP stream.
traced. Deals more with “channelized” IP Able to definitively troubleshoot service
sessions rather than true connectionless design issues and application design issues
environment. for performance.
Packet Analysis: Deepest level detail study of
the information delivered. Looking at
individual fields in the header and in the
payload. If the payload is not encrypted then
content can be looked at too. Includes
reconstruction (e.g., repaint of HTML
pages) based on packets delivered or
replaying of an IP-based voice call.
Deals only with IP-based messages; does not
address anything that is TDM oriented.
Note 1: A unique number may be devised in various ways.
Note 2: Table 3.3 is not exhaustive.
CDR Call Detail Record
DPI Deep Packet Inspection
GTP GPRS Tunneling Protocol
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
IPDR IP Detail Record
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KQI Key Quality Indicator
SIGTRAN Signaling Transport
SS7 Signaling System 7
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
VPN Virtual Private Network
STRA07 Whitelock, K., and Ruzicka, N. 2007. Sorting Out the Signals—Gathering Assurance Data That
Service Providers Need. San Antonio, TX: Stratecast Frost & Sullivan, June.
TELE05 Telemanagement Forum. 2005. SLA Management Handbook, Vol. 3, Service and Technology
Examples, GB917-3, v2.1, Morristown, NJ, January.
TELE07 Telemanagement Forum. 2007. Telecom Operations Map, GB929 v2.5, Morristown, NJ, August.