Page 224 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 224
a. I never piloted a plane in the Air Force, but in so many
other ways, I learned to soar. (original version)
b. I learned to soar in many ways, although I never piloted
a plane while I was in the Air Force.
c. I never piloted a plane, and while I was in the Air Force, I
learned to soar in many ways.
A recommendation conclusion suggests a solution to a problem
raised in the essay. A logical way to end an essay that discusses a
problem is to offer a solution or suggest that one is on the horizon.
Example of a Recommendation Conclusion
It does not matter whether the shot is fired in the commission of a
robbery, in the heat of an argument, or by accident. The result is
the same: A life is lost. The logical solution is the one already
implemented by more enlightened countries—to outlaw handguns.
Outlawing handguns is a major step toward a safer, saner, less
fearful society.
Exercise 6-2 Writing a Recommendation