Page 335 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 335
To borrow the plot of countless movies, you have a friend who looks
human but just happens to be an alien from a distant galaxy. Your job
is to keep him safe and undetected until he is able to return home.
You have already explained away his very limited use of English by
saying he is from another country. But tonight, he must accompany
you to dinner at the home of one of your distant relatives, who is also
a top government scientist. It is essential that your friend the alien
escape detection. Will he eat the centerpiece? Use a fine china plate
as a Frisbee? Not if you provide the right example. Write a narrative
that starts with your knock at your host’s door. Provide specific
examples of the things you do to guide your alien friend through this
dinner party undetected. Have fun!
Essay Assignments
Example Essay 1: User-Friendly Education
Visit Ch. 8, Showing and Telling:
Description, Narration, and Example, in
MyWritingLab to complete the Essay
Computer programs are often described in terms of their user-
friendliness. What about your college campus? Is it a student-friendly