Page 384 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 384

At the gym where I work out, three types of exercisers stand out

               from the crowd. The first type, the struggler, breaks into a sweat

               just at the sight of an exercise bike. Strugglers walk five laps
               around the track and then stop, huffing and puffing, to rest on a

               bench before attempting another few laps. In contrast to strugglers

               are the fashion plates, who always have the latest in exercise wear.

               Exercising in front of the mirror, fashion plates can admire their

               colorful leotards, smartly cut shorts, or new athletic shoes. Even
               when they exercise, fashion plates never have limp, straggly hair or

               sweat-stained clothing. They always look their best. Finally, there

               are the athletes, who do not mind working up a sweat and are

               dedicated to fitness. In a Zumba class, they step wider and shake

               more vigorously than anyone else, even after an hour on the
               treadmill. Before they leave, they may swim a few laps in the pool

               just to cool off. Whether they are suffering strugglers, self-

               absorbed fashion plates, or dedicated athletes, these exercisers are

               fun to watch as I struggle through my own workout.

                    1.  Which type of exerciser is not classified on the same basis as

                        the others?

                    2.  What is the basis for classification of the other two points?

               Wordsmith’s Corner: Examples of

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