Page 379 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 379
and the prima donna—you might begin each body paragraph
with a definition: “The drill sergeant is a professor who runs the
classroom as if it were boot camp.”
When you write a classification essay, it is important for the unity of
your essay that your classification have a single basis or underlying
principle. If it does not, then your categories of classification may be
so close that they overlap or so far-flung that they seem to have no
connection with one another.
In the example above, “sociology teacher” overlaps all three
categories since sociology teachers have a variety of teaching styles.
A single basis for classification ensures that your categories of
classification are separate and distinct.
Categories of classification that are too diverse can be illustrated with
a different example. A writer who has listed “airplane” and “bus” under
the heading “types of transportation” would not be likely to add “camel”
to the list, even though a camel can be a mode of transportation in
some parts of the world. The other two types are modern forms of
mass transportation, so “camel” does not fit in.
Exercise 9-2 Classifying Items in a List
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words to classify each list of
1. Kinds of Basis for classification:
a. Dalmatian