Page 374 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 374
a subjective one because you will infuse into it your enjoyment or
dislike of the role and your attitudes toward it.
Definition Essay 2: Defining an Activity
Write a definition essay on an activity that you enjoy, such as fishing,
dance, aerobics, reading, or shopping.
Definition Essay 3: What Is a Hero?
Write an essay giving your definition of a hero.
Begin by prewriting to generate a list of the characteristics of a hero.
You will use these characteristics as a basis for your three body
paragraphs. Then, make a list of people who possess these
characteristics. These may be actual people (your sister; Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.) or general categories (caregivers; firefighters). The
people will serve as examples in your paragraphs.
Your thesis, then, will list the characteristics of a hero, and your
paragraphs will illustrate those characteristics with specific examples.
Definition in the Real World: Job Description
Many times, people ask how writing essays will help them in the “real
world.” This real-world assignment demonstrates how writing a
definition might be used outside the classroom.
Peer Revision Checklist for Definition