Page 396 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 396
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Real-World Classification: Designing a New Program
Many times, people ask how writing essays will help them in the “real
world.” This real-world assignment demonstrates how writing using
classification might be used outside the classroom.
You are part of a human resources team at a medium-sized company.
Profits have been so good that the company has decided to fund a
program that will benefit employees and the company. Each team
member has been asked to come up with ideas about the kinds of
programs that might be offered. The only restrictions are that both the
company and the employees should benefit from the programs. For
example, wellness programs such as exercise, weight loss, or stop-
smoking clinics would benefit both the employee, who would be
healthier, and the company, which would theoretically benefit because
healthier employees would use less sick leave and incur lower health
insurance costs. Incentive programs offering rewards for increased
productivity would similarly benefit both the rewarded employees and
the company, which would benefit from the increased productivity.
Write an essay describing three types of programs that might be
developed. Give examples of how each program would work and
describe how it would benefit both the employees and the company.