Page 398 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 398
4 Write effective process essays.
When you write a process essay, you describe how something is
done or how it works. Process writing surrounds you. Recipes,
instruction manuals, and any of the many self-help books that offer
advice on how to become fit, lose weight, save money, or lead a more
satisfying life are all examples of process writing. A chapter in your
American government text that tells you how a bill becomes a law, the
page in your biology text on the life cycle of the fruit fly, and the fine
print on the back of your credit card statement that explains how
interest is applied are also examples of process writing.
Process essays typically answer questions like the ones that follow.
What is the best way to handle a broken relationship?
What is your recipe for an enjoyable vacation?
Describe an effective process for setting and reaching goals.