Page 415 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 415
Develop your own scenario or take a superstition from your own life
and trace its development.
Real-World Process: Performing a Job-Related Task
Describe one of the tasks involved in your job. Describe it step by
step, so well that someone who had the necessary tools and
knowledge could do the job from your description.
Consider your audience. Will you describe this task for a person who
possesses job skills and knowledge similar to your own, or will you
write it for someone who is not familiar with the terminology of your
field? Consider your tone. Descriptions of a task convey much more
than the bare bones of the task itself, they convey your attitude toward
Peer Revision Checklist for Process
1. Does the introduction draw the reader in and
establish the value of the process?
2. Does the thesis mention the process and list or
hint at steps in the process?
3. Does the topic sentence of each body paragraph
direct the reader’s attention to a particular step in
the process?