Page 418 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 418

stress that you explore in your essay. As a suggestion for organizing
               your essay, try defining the broad term stress in the introduction. Then

               list and define each type of stress in a topic sentence. Since

               classification essays often incorporate examples, you may wish to

               support your body paragraphs with examples that give the reader a

               clear picture of each type of stress.

               Consultant’s Report: Definition,

               Classification, and Process

               You are a consultant. A large organization—it could be a school, a

               shopping center, a grocery store, a church, or some other organization

               that serves many people—has hired you to look at its problems and

               determine how the organization can fix those problems. It is up to you
               to choose the organization and define and classify its problems. Just

               to give some examples, a shopping center might find that many

               people with handicaps have trouble moving freely about within the

               center. They can’t navigate the sidewalks easily, the aisles in some of

               the stores are too narrow, and restaurant tables are too close
               together. You might classify these as “mobility problems.” That same

               shopping center might find that teenagers, who traditionally have high

               disposable incomes, are not spending their money. Instead of making

               the shopping center profitable by buying clothing, DVDs, or video

               games, they are hanging out in outdoor areas with friends or flirting

               with other teenagers. How can the shopping center lure these
               teenagers into the stores to spend money? These problems might be
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