Page 209 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 209

190                                                               Fiber Optic Communications

                           Incident     Optical                 Pre-       Processing
                             light      System     Detector   amplifier    Integrated

                          Figure 5.1  Simple schematic representation of a typical optical detector system.

            metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors (MSM-PDs). We will also describe photodetectors with internal
            gain, like avalanche photodetectors (APDs), photoconductive photodetectors, and phototransistors. Then, we
            will describe some advanced photodetectors, such as resonant cavity-enhanced photodetectors (RCE-PDs)
            and waveguide photodetectors (WG-PDs). We describe noise sources in photodetection systems as well as
            optical detection system architectures. Finally, it should be noted that some of the material in this chapter is
            common to that in chapter 8 of Ref. [1], which was written by one of the authors.

            5.2 Photodetector Performance Characteristics

            A photodetector is a device in which an electron–hole pair is generated by photon absorption. In the case
            of lasers, electrons and holes recombine (stimulated emission) and their energy difference appears in the
            form of light. In other words, an electron and a hole annihilate each other to create the photon. In the case
            of photodetectors, the reverse process takes place. A photon with energy hf > E , where E is the band-gap
                                                                            g        g
            energy (see Fig. 5.2), is annihilated to create an electron–hole pair.
              The photon energy (E ) decreases as the wavelength () increases according to
                                                 E ph  = hf =  ,                               (5.1)
            where h = Planck’s constant (6.626 × 10 −34  J ⋅ s), c = speed of light, f = frequency of light (Hz), and  =
            wavelength of light (m). If the energy E of the incident photon is greater than or equal to the band-gap energy
            E , an electron makes a transition from the valence band to the conduction band, absorbing the incident
            photon. Fig. 5.3 shows the dependence of the absorption coefficient on wavelength or photon energy. The
            wavelength   at which the absorption coefficient  becomes zero is called the cutoff wavelength.Ifthe
            incident wavelength  is greater than  , the photodiode will not absorb light. This is because, if > ,
                                           co                                                  co
                                                          E g
                                                  f < f  =  .                                  (5.2)

                                                                 E g
                                           hf ≥ E g


                                     Figure 5.2  Photon absorption in a semiconductor.
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