Page 397 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 397

378                                                               Fiber Optic Communications

                          ∑       H (ω)                          I
                                                          PD1     1
                         +  n(t)                           |∙| 2             Select bit ‘1’ if I  > I
                                             T b    *               Comparator         1  0
                                                 +        PD2    I 0         Select bit ‘0’ if I  < I
                                                   ∑                                   1  0
                                                           |∙| 2
                                             Figure 8.27  DPSK receiver.

            the FSK with direct detection or asynchronous detection is applicable in this case except that the energy E 1
            appearing in Eq. (8.297) should be replaced by 2E (= 2E ), where E is the average energy of s(t):
                                                     1     av       av
                                                 (      )
                                            1        E av   1       DD
                                       P =    exp −       =   exp (−  ).                   (8.307)
                                            2        ASE  2
            Comparing Eqs. (8.307) and (8.298), we see that the direct detection orthogonal FSK requires 3 dB more
            power than DPSK to reach the same BER.

            Example 8.3
            50% duty cycle rectangular RZ pulses are used in a direct detection long-haul 40-Gb/s DPSK system operating
            at 1550 nm. The peak transmitter power is 3 dBm. The fiber-optic link consists of N spans of 80-km standard
            SMF with a loss of 0.2 dB/km followed by an optical amplifier with n = 1 and gain G being equal to the
            fiber loss. Find the maximum transmission distance so that the error probability is <= 10 . Ignore receiver
            For 50% duty RZ pulses, we have
                                                          peak power
                                           average power =         ,                         (8.308)
                               average power (dBm) = peak power (dBm) + 10 log  10 (1∕2)

                                                 = 3dBm − 3dB
                                                 = 0 dBm,                                    (8.309)

                                        average power = 10 0∕10  mW = 1 mW,                  (8.310)
                              average energy of a pulse = E = average power × bit interval.  (8.311)
            Bit interval,
                                             T =         s = 25  ps,                         (8.312)
                                              b        9
                                                 40 × 10
                                         E = 1mW × 25 ps = 2.5 × 10 −14  J.                  (8.313)
            Operating frequency,                     8
                                                3 × 10
                                          f =            = 193.54 THz,                       (8.314)
                                              1550 × 10 −9
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