Page 439 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 439

420                                                               Fiber Optic Communications

                                               Electron charge cloud
                                                                                E x


                                        (a)                               (b)

                 Figure 10.1 Classical electron oscillator model: (a) in equilibrium; (b) in the presence of an external field.

            When an external electric field intensity E is applied to an atom, the electron charge cloud is displaced
            from its equilibrium position, as shown in Fig. 10.1(b). The equation of motion for the center of the electron
            charge cloud is given by Newton’s law,

                                                 d x
                                               m    = F ext  = q E ,                          (10.1)
                                                             e x
                                                 dt 2
            where x(t) is the displacement of the center of the electron charge cloud, m is the electron mass, and q e
            is the electron charge. When the center of the electron cloud moves away from the equilibrium position
            (Fig. 10.1(b)), there is a force of attraction between the nucleus and the electron charge cloud. If the displace-
            ment x(t) is small, the restoration force can be approximated as

                                                F restoration  =−Kx,                          (10.2)

            where K is a constant. The negative sign indicates that the restoration force acts in a direction opposite to
            the external force. The situation is similar to the case of a simple pendulum pushed away from the equilib-
            rium position by an external force; there is a restoration force due to gravitation which pulls it back to the
            equilibrium position. The net force acting on the electron is given by

                                         F  = F   + F       = q E − Kx.                       (10.3)
                                          net   ext  restoration  e x
            Combining Eq. (10.3) with Newton’s law, we obtain
                                               d x
                                             m    = F net  = q E − Kx                         (10.4)
                                                           e x
                                               dt 2
                                               d x   2   (  q e  )
                                                  +  x =    E ,                             (10.5)
                                               dt 2        m
            where  =(K∕m) 1∕2  is the natural frequency of oscillation. Suppose the applied field is of the form
                                                E = E exp (−it).                            (10.6)
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