Page 96 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
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              Figure 2.36  Impact of third-order dispersion on an ultra-short Gaussian pulse. FWHM = 1.56 ps, L = 4.7 km.

           The dispersion slope, S and  are related using Eqs. (2.208) and (2.202),
                                    d 2  d(−D ∕2c) d  (   2  ) 2   D
                                 =    =                = S        +      .               (2.216)
                                                                        2 2
                                     d       d    d     2c    2 c
           Fig. 2.36(a) shows the field envelope at the output of a fiber in the presence of  when  =  = 0. The effect
                                                                        3      1    2
           of  is to cause a pulse broadening asymmetrically. When  ≠ 0, pulses broaden symmetrically due to 
              3                                             2                                   2
           as well as asymmetrically due to  (Fig. 2.36(b)). If the sign of  is changed, the pulse distortion occurs
                                       3                        3
           at the other edge whereas if the sign of  is changed, the amount of pulse broadening is not affected for an
           unchirped pulse (Eq. (2.162)).
           Example 2.10
           For a fiber-optic system, the channel wavelengths are in the range of 1530–1560 nm. Design a single-mode
           fiber such that the absolute accumulated dispersion should not exceed 1100 ps/nm over the wavelength range
           of interest. Assume that the dispersion varies linearly with wavelength. Fiber length = 80 km.
           The dependence of dispersion on wavelength is given by
                                              D()=( −  )S.                           (2.217)
           If we choose the zero-dispersion wavelength  in the center of the band, the maximum allowable dispersion
           slope could be large. Therefore, we choose  = 1545 nm. Using Eq. (2.217), the absolute dispersion at the
           right edge of the band is
                                    |D(1560 nm)| = |S|(1560 − 1545) ps/nm/km,              (2.218)
                                              |D(1560 nm)|    2
                                         |S| =           ps/nm ∕km.                        (2.219)
                                          |D(1560 nm)L| ≤ 1100 ps/nm,                      (2.220)
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101