Page 97 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
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78                                                                Fiber Optic Communications

            with L = 80 km and using Eqs. (2.219) and (2.220), we obtain

                                              |S| ≤ 0.917 ps/nm ∕km.                         (2.221)

            2.7.5   Polarization Mode Dispersion
            Weakly guiding approximation implies that the electromagnetic field propagates almost in the z-direction
            and, therefore, the electric and magnetic field components are nearly transverse (see Section 2.4). The scalar
            field  of Section 2.4 could either represent the electric field intensity E or E . Therefore, a single-mode
                                                                       x    y
            fiber supports two independent propagation modes [30–32]. For one of the modes, the electric field com-
            ponent is along the ̂x-direction, the magnetic field component is along the ̂y-direction, and the propagation
            constant is  (x-polarization). For the other mode, the electric field component is along the ̂y-direction, the
            magnetic field component is along the ̂x-direction, and the propagation constant is  (y-polarization). If the
            fiber cross-section is perfectly circular, these two modes are degenerate, i.e.,  =  . However, it is hard to
            fabricate a fiber whose cross-section is perfectly circular. Because of the asymmetry introduced during the
            fiber manufacturing process, and external factors such as bending or twisting, the propagation constants  x
            and  differ. The inverse group speeds  1x  and  1y  corresponding to the x- and y-polarization components
            are also different. As a result, the x- and y-polarization components of the input signal arrive at the fiber out-
            put at different times, leading to pulse broadening if a direct detection receiver is used. This phenomenon is
            known as polarization mode dispersion (PMD) [33–37]. Owing to random fluctuations in the fiber refractive
            index along the fiber axis, there is an exchange of power between these polarization components that occurs
            randomly along the fiber. Therefore, the pulse broadening due to PMD is stochastic in nature.
              Using Eq. (2.110), the x- and y-components of the electric field intensity can be written as

                                     E (x, y, z, t)= s (t, z)Φ(x, y) exp [−i(t −  z)],
                                      x          x                    x
                                     E (x, y, z, t)= s (t, z)Φ(x, y) exp [−i(t −  z)],   (2.222)
                                      y          y                    y
            where s and s are electrical field envelopes,  and  are propagation constants for the x- and y-polarization
            components, respectively. The transverse field distributions are nearly the same for x- and y-polarization. As
            in Section 2.5, input and output electrical field envelopes are related by
                                            ̃ s  (Ω) = ̃s  (Ω)H (Ω, L),
                                             x,out    x,in  x
                                            ̃ s  (Ω) = ̃s  (Ω)H (Ω, L),                      (2.223)
                                             y,out    y,in  y
                                            [        (            2  )]
                                                               Ω z
                               H (Ω, L)= exp −z∕2 + i  Ωz +       ,  a = x, y.           (2.224)
            Eqs. (2.223) and (2.224) can be written in matrix form using Jones’ vector notation (see Section 1.11):
                                              [      ]           [     ]
                                               ̃ s x,out (Ω)      ̃ s x,in (Ω)
                                      ̃ s (Ω) =        ,  ̃ s (Ω) =      ,                   (2.225)
                                               ̃ s
                                               y,out (Ω)          ̃ s y,in (Ω)
                                              ̃ s (Ω) = H(Ω, L)̃ s (Ω),                      (2.226)
                                                   [               ]
                                                    H (Ω, L)   0
                                          H(Ω, L)=                  ,                        (2.227)
                                                       0    H (Ω.L)
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