Page 148 - Introduction to Business
P. 148

122     PART 1  The Nature of Contemporary Business

        separation of ownership (which rests with hundreds of  account with respect to company operations in a
        thousands of shareholders) and control (which rests  variety of ways.
        with the company’s CEO and a few other individuals).
        This fractured nature of corporate ownership fre-        LEARNING OBJECTIVE 6
        quently gives shareholders relatively limited monitor-   Describe the societal responsibility model of business
        ing power over company officers and directors who        governance.
        control the company and who may tend to act in their
        own self-interest rather than in the long-term interests  The societal responsibility model of business gover-
        of the shareholders. For example, a company CEO     nance goes a step beyond the stakeholder model and
        whose annual bonus depends on the maintenance of    says that businesses operate for the benefit of, and
        very high current levels of corporate profitability may  have a responsibility toward, not just stakeholders but
        not want to meaningfully invest in company research  society in general. A number of large corporations have
        and development that might best benefit shareholders  adopted a societal responsibility model toward the
        in the long-run but will hurt current profit levels.  global environment by voluntarily reducing pollution
                                                            from their operations far beyond the levels required by
             LEARNING OBJECTIVE 4                           law.
             Analyze different methods of solving the problems
             and conflicts of interest engendered by the separa-  LEARNING OBJECTIVE 7
             tion of ownership and control in major corporations.
                                                                 Explain the basic parameters of business ethics.
        A wide range of private and public governmental mech-
                                                            Business ethics involves the application of ethical stan-
        anisms exist for addressing the potential conflicts of
                                                            dards to business situations. Ethics invokes beliefs
        interest that arise between shareholders and officers or  about what is right and wrong, what is morally accept-
        directors in large corporations. Increasingly, efforts are  able and what is not. Unethical behavior involves
        being made to better align the financial interests of  behavior that is either illegal (e.g., CEO insider trading
        shareholders and officers or directors by tying officer or  in the United States) or morally unacceptable (e.g., in
        director compensation to long-term corporate perfor-  some circles reincorporating a company from Con-
        mance. Various laws and regulations, such as those that  necticut to Bermuda). Standards for defining unethical
        outlaw insider trading by corporate officers and direc-  business behavior vary widely throughout the world. In
        tors, also help to reduce potential conflicts of interest  many countries paying government officials bribes to
        between corporate ownership and control.
                                                            obtain certain types of regulatory approval is consid-
                                                            ered morally acceptable or indeed even legal. In the
                                                            United States, however, this is not the case.
             Discuss the stakeholder model of business
                                                                 LEARNING OBJECTIVE 8
        The stakeholder model of business governance takes       Discuss the development of business codes of ethics
        the perspective that businesses exist to benefit not     and business ethics training.
        just their shareholders but also all the various groups
        (e.g., customers, employees, suppliers, etc.) that have  Many businesses (especially large corporations) today
        a meaningful stake in their operations. Many busi-  are adopting formal written business codes of ethics.
        nesses, for example, make special efforts to help the  These codes may deal with a wide number of topics
        local communities in which they operate. In some    ranging from workplace romance, to personal use of
        foreign countries a stakeholder model of governance  company property, to possible employee conflicts of
        is to some degree mandated by law. In Germany, all  interest. Companies are also increasingly developing
        large companies are required by law to have         formal business ethics training programs, including
        employee representatives on their board of directors  Internet online courses. Business ethics portends to be
        or supervisory board and to take workers directly into  an increasingly important topic in years to come.

            Chapter Questions
                                                                should you use? What factors enter into making
         1. What is a whistleblower? What problems do           this decision?
            whistleblowers face in organizations?            3. What makes a corporation such a special business
         2. You are establishing a business renting small       entity?
            dormitory-sized refrigerators to fellow college stu-  4. The state of Delaware is the most popular state in
            dents. What type of business governance structure   the United States for large company incorporation.

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